I want a camera!
Until a few months ago I would not have even thought ... but now, with the blog ... I see many beautiful photos are sharp, perfect background, calibrated light, beautiful colors. What
ENVY I always liked taking photos, but I always set my compact for automatic program ... ignorant! Then
.. lighting .. reading here and there on blogs like that of Uncle
piero and anise and cinnamon I realized that even with the compact can do the blurred background so that I like and which highlights the 'object in the foreground. In fact, its maker tends to put everything in focus ...
I tried, setting fire to the center, playing a bit with the ISO ... good for hacking and changing the light and ... it really works!
are now able to make a decent picture .. at least compared to previous! And it took just a little bit of sound ...
Well .. there's still a lot of work .. but as a first test non mi dispiace, la foto in alto ritrae un giglio martagone (nome trentino) immortalato nei prati del Monte Bondone, dove abito!
Comunque il mio sogno resta la Reflex...quindi al prossimo compleanno farò colletta e mi regalerò la Mitica..e allora poi saranno capperi amari per tutti!! Ah ah ah!!
E a voi..piace fotografare?? Che macchina usate?