I've always loved all forms of art involving the use of imagination and my hands, painting, creating jewelry, the cernit, passing through the clay, the frame, and ending with the decorated cakes. I also had a period where I liked to carve fruit and vegetables, especially apples, I'll show you a very simple centerpiece, but with great affection that had surprised the guests of my parents!
As you can see is very simple, some buttercups, some bay leaves, apples carved. Nothing more, success is assured!
For these apples I used a carving knife, the kind you buy in a pharmacy! They have a very flexible blade that fits this type of carving!
and here a small tutorial for creating these types of carving ... simple right?!
Se provate però..fatemi sapere com'è andata!! ^.^ e mi raccomando, spruzzate costantemente le mele intagliate col succo di limone per non farle annerire!!
Con questo post vorrei segnalarvi il bellissimo give away di Rosemary de A mouse on the table , bravissima intagliatrice e visualfood artist!! Partecipate numerosi, ci sono in palio dei premi bellissimi e molto utili!!
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