I also I launch the mini wedding cake!
I made a test, but I am sooo happy, I think I'll make more in the coming days! I would like to try new combinations of colors and decorations, even though I love all these little hearts a lot, so roly-poly! The mini cake is about 5 cm high, made entirely of sugar paste.
I also tried some sweets .. I'm not completely satisfied, but as the first test may go!
I Did coordinated with the mini wedding cake, with details highlighted in colored sugar paste with powdered food coloring.
I made a test, but I am sooo happy, I think I'll make more in the coming days! I would like to try new combinations of colors and decorations, even though I love all these little hearts a lot, so roly-poly! The mini cake is about 5 cm high, made entirely of sugar paste.
I also tried some sweets .. I'm not completely satisfied, but as the first test may go!
I Did coordinated with the mini wedding cake, with details highlighted in colored sugar paste with powdered food coloring.

These however are always painted with food coloring, I try to package them! I believe in a transparent bag with a pink ribbon and burgundy will look great!

Well ... finished experiments! Better go to sleep!
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