The hole in the world
Well, guys. Expect a flurry of links, recommendations, references. Why? Because I've already said everything, or nothing. Not much left for me to propose, if not myself, my thoughts, this blog. As usual. What do you think of women in e Berlusconi, and in general of sewage lutulento that his nausea with unbearable stench, as you well know, both from my numerous contacts in
DadonnAdonna , both from the "tone" of this general diary. If my friend
Massimo Del Papa evokes the bacchanalia of the late empire, rather I think the songs Malebolge of Dante:
defined by commentators as "the pigsty of Hell" , including the language heavy, viable, low, dirty, rotten as the souls housed there, now reduced to a wormy dough. But let a premise.
For many workers will open the spectrum, or perhaps the abyss of
layoffs. While our sgovernanti assuring us with wide grin and artifacts that the crisis had been removed, here is that this occurs, because in reality he was always there, around the corner, on the contrary, in the face. The Island of cassintegrati
came to 330 days of "imprisonment" and, if will get something, it will only because of their fortitude and support network.
of "warning young people" speak experts who show a grim future, or rather a lack of future for the next generation (and maybe more). Fabio Emilio Torsello, from right to criticize,
informs us that "the attorney Aquila few days ago he put the leaders under investigation Plan CASE for alleged irregularities in the provision of earthquake-resistant materials. L'Aquila was the 'guinea pig' technology never tested before and given, moreover, by only two companies in Italy ". Torsello always felt that the 'garbage crisis in Naples
, although no one mentions the most, that is, and that next January 31
Nicola Cosentino appear before the court to decide on the request to send to trial for complicity with the Mafia. About Mafia: January 19
Paolo Borsellino would have turned 71 years: Who remembered? In complete indifference, it is proceeding inexorably to the privatization of water
. Days ago, rather quietly, they celebrated the funeral of
Luca Sanna, another mountain - the other was
Matteo Miotto, dropped earlier this month - crashed in
"peace mission" in Afghanistan that just to honor his memoria, verrà rifinanziata lunedì prossimo, mentre si è toccato il
record (invero, non solo italiano) di vendite d'armi . Della povera
Yara Gambirasio non si sa nulla da 57 giorni, benché la città d'origine della bambina sia rimasta molto vicina alla sventurata famiglia (anche ieri sera c'è stata una veglia).
Lo strazio della giovane moglie ai funerali di Luca Sanna. Assente il presidente del Consiglio Berlusconi. Sorvolo sui fatti mondiali. Perché vi tornerò in futuro. Perché richiederebbero troppo tempo. E perché, come ha lamentato un lettore (italiano all'estero) di "Repubblica", this dark cave of Europe seems to have become a distant province to second, maybe third-world. Here, we deal with the other. It is observed from a hole. That
hole. What has become the focus, even obsession, of those who have built - and never has seemed more appropriate word - your Ego to measure the universe.
The poster don Aldo Antonelli, a priest of the border, has posted outside his parish, to protest against the Church "and conniving concubine, mute and gagged, broker and mercenary." And now m'arrendo. Who wants to read the masterly analysis of Maximus, may consult
here or this other link . The thought of Don Andrea Gallo
; to
Don Luigi Ciotti or
Mgr. Bregantini , the only prelate to express clearly (and up) his disgust. Without doubt, our card.
Tettamanzi demonstrates concrete actions that Christianity is not worship of money, the appearance of abuse and bullying. And there are some views expressed
"Famiglia Cristiana" has always been critical of the "premier". As
Don Paolo Farinella, the combative priest is in retreat but has already promised to be felt, imagine how on his return. Yet, at the Vatican, B. continues to enjoy a hearty support. Of course, cautiously, you are making a departure in view of irreparable scandal. And so, despite Mgr. Bagnasco
Te Deum in a few days ago has reprimanded the "defeatist", yesterday, the Pope has dared to declare that, in the management of public morality and legality are
Nothing, of course, in comparison to the severity of the suspects is incumbent on the Cav. And above all for the deployment of forces and energy used by the Vatican itself when it came to bring down the Prodi government. Remember the
Family Day? Now non se ne avverte il bisogno. I suoi portavoce sono soavemente silenziosi, al massimo s'è udito traspirare un
"turbamento". Maurizio Crozza s'è ironicamente domandato: meglio i Dico o il
bunga-bunga ? La risposta ce la forniscono i "cattolici del Pdl", ovverossia i ciellini di ferro
Lupi ,
Formigoni ,
Mauro , poi
Gasparri (!),
Roccella ,
Sacconi (?) & altri ex-craxiani e fascisti assortiti. Gasparri e
Stracquadanio (!!) sono stati espliciti da subito: meglio Berlusconi e i suoi bunga-bunga che p. es.
Nichi Vendola , quello è fag and that is enough. So
Mgr. Bertoldo, who with the Bertoldino & B. Cacasenno ruled that, even in excess, followed by the nature (where ever you are stuck nature!), While Vendola not. And 'evident to them or not does not matter if you're decent. And 'not being gay enough. Then you can afford any wickedness. They have "context" even slander. They did not flinch when some of the favorite of the "premier", and the legendary Ruby Sabina Began, have compared the old knight, respectively, Gandhi and Jesus Write that Berlusconi would still be a brake against
"ethical relativism" because they would never to draft a law that protects the unmarried couples (and significant funding private schools Catholic, to shame the public school), can indeed be shared by those who, like the Pope, he thunders against '
sex education - he said, would lead to nothing less than
"lose faith " -;
but, as we well know, the church survives from the Middle Ages because of its being the state more pagan and materialistic world.
Cicchitto has an idea: lower the age of consent in order to save Berlusconi on charges of prostitution. Without comment. short repeats a pattern ancient and ever new: the Church is with Berlusconi, as well as in the past sided with Mussolini, Hitler, with Franco, Salazar, Pinochet etc.. He has not learned the lesson, because she should learn it. Meanwhile, work underwater, and never become too bound to none. It 'a known fact that senior officials are taking to manage Casini concert with a fall of Berlusconi. If this happens, the Vatican works because it is made by conservative political forces.
women do not care about anyone. As the Advocate Finian
Bongiorno, it is not necessary that the horrible accusations B. be tested: are his ideas about the female gender, and those they condemn themselves out of time and history, confining in uno stadio "cavernicolo" ben condiviso, del resto, dagli astutissimi ecclesiastici, accomunati a lui, pur in modo rovesciato, dall'identico disprezzo per la donna.
L'unica speranza risiede nelle giovani generazioni, pur così bistrattate da vecchi libidinosi e avidi di potere. Molti anni fa Giovanni Testori redasse un memorabile articolo ìntitolato
I padri traditori e i figli traditi . Abbiamo letto, in questi giorni, di padri certo, ma anche di madri, di fratelli e di cugini, che, lungi dall'inorridire, spingevano le figlie tra le braccia del Drago, non solo per l'affitto da pagare, ma anche perché, come ha dichiarato una delle frequentatrici di Arcore, non val la pena sgomitare per mille € a month, when, selling their bodies, if they can get ten thousand, and in much less time. Italy imbolsita and decrepit, bigoted and filthy, rotten meat and decadent. Italy already buried, so it is better to be born orphans. Fortunately, as we remember this girl, but as I see it too, every day, at school, most girls do not look like Ruby.
I ask, but the opposition, the "institutional" means, as is behaving? And I raise: What opposition?
Appeal of women against the machismo Berlusconi