"Look Nissa" . So I explained my grandmother whenever Santina in Sanremo, at the end of the course Empress, we encounter the monument to Garibaldi . It was not of a typographical error, "Nissa" was really the ancient name of the city that had given birth to the hero, and that he had inscribed in the destiny of 1807 anagrafe Peppino Garibaldi had in fact been r egister ed trademark as a French citizen, for a complicated ritual supplies and recapture locations around the port and border. Even stranger at home, then, who would enter into the myth, in fact, nell'agiografia civil and civic education, one of the few "secular saints" of our country. He could not, however, go for those who otherwise would have been called "Hero of Two Worlds" . But I will have to be explored further as a result of its figura. Adesso, a pochi giorni dall'inizio delle celebrazioni per il 150° dell'Unità d'Italia , voglio soffermarmi su quel monumento, capolavoro Art nouveau realizzato nel 1908 da Leonardo Bistolfi . Che Garibaldi "guardasse Nissa" non mi sentivo di metterlo in discussione; mia nonna ne era troppo convinta, e lo pronunciava con quel tono di ruvida reverenza tipica dei liguri. Ciò nonostante a me pareva che gli occhi fossero rivolti piuttosto a est, sulla spianata baia sanremese di cui, nel 1860, Garibaldi era divenuto cittadino onorario, e più in generale sulla penisola italiana, ormai quasi compiuta, e abbracciata con un sospiro smagato. C'è una gravità rodiniana Bistolfi the monument, which depicts a Garibaldi now old, still upright and proud, but realistic and almost expressionist in massive stubby legs and a sailor, and large, however, already suffering arthritic remote. At his feet, big feet, six bas mark the high points of his human and national hero there never appears, replaced by fellow soldiers, or rather those decadent and goddesses that have graced the art Journal of the young Italian state, created the monarchy against the will of Peppino. The mastery of Bistolfi was able to capture the intimacy of the man of action, the corporeal and the richness of his thought, that regret for who and what we could become, and we were not, admirably explained by Piero Gobetti . The sailor Garibaldi, Mazzini "heretic" ( "My idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy differs from that of Mazzini, since I am socialist" , said at the end of his life, during one of several political skirmishes that countered the two men), the mason, the libertador the worker but also to Antonio Meucci, Garibaldi mythologized unbelievably popular in that masterpiece of blasphemy which read: "Sons of Italy, if you want to wipe away / Venice and Rome long tears / little matter to you if the priest does not sing: / these are the candles and this is the holy ". And the inscription appeared in a print where the hero was depicted on an altar, complete with a halo, surrounded by candles, and bayonets. Too much? Definitely too much. But there were a counterpoint to the massacre of Bronte and the story, heinous and brutal nature, by Luigi Pirandello, The other child, where the fault of the soldiers' Canebardo "a mother in mourning black it was a terrible fate ... Only scratches the primordial earth that world and visceral thirst for justice will suffer, thrown out of any history, condemned to fixity plebeian and furious.
The monument still seems to sigh now. I wonder if he imagined the sneers of the Northern League and, before that, the CL, the heirs of those followers of Pius IX called the hero "one cubic meter of manure" ? Because, to precede the valley came the painful junk meeting in Rimini where he tried to rewrite the Risorgimento reassessing the robbery as "popular and Christian (" the brigand Gasparone loves his mother and religgione " ), with the same virulence of the reactionary and Princip Canosa. Garibaldi and confining between terrorists and godless atheists.
The provocative gesture of Mrs. Lucia Massarotto that for years, in Venice, he exhibited the flag in defiance of the Northern League meetings. It has now been evicted. He expected
all this, Garibaldi? I think so. Or at least I imagined. That melancholy monument bears witness to the suffering of a man who fought, yes, love, mature love (senior), so disappointed and imperfect, broad, like that his eyes eastward, continued on the long and endless golden peninsula and tremendous woman unfaithful lover mediocre, but unique and indispensable.
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