When, now more than twenty years ago, I decided to major in history of journalism with a thesis on "Le Monde" and the Algerian war and then began to study Arabic (studies unfortunately interrupted for reasons beyond my own will), it seemed bizarre to many, eccentricity, the result of a weird mind or at least the original - and the nuance of voice, it was clear that this was not exactly a compliment of -. Some insinuated that I did it because, at that time, I was in love with a Syrian.
Nothing new under the sun, fon
do. While I was preparing my thesis, I had already encountered similar "analysis." Commenting on the large number of French women who supported the Algerian demands, observers (male) age annotated fact that Arab insurgents were often young, beautiful, Mediterranean: logical and predictable, therefore, that the feminine soul, of in itself irrational, romantic and impressionable, is ensnared by deep-set eyes and let old and married without delay - with "rush" - their cause. That women were capable of policy analysis and weighted point was not even taken into account. The woman does but love - understood, of course, in the worst meaning of blind passion .

was the France of fifty years ago. Italy thinks today. To me someone at the time of the thesis, I thought. In truth, I got acquainted with Arab-Islamic world during the early teens, after finding out about the school books in particular I wanted to better understand the Muslim religion, of which little was known (but now, if possible, even less, and haughty and arrogant ignorance, often beset by injury). But even if it were to strengthen the love and passion that my embryonic interest, well, I did not see why be ashamed of. Is a positive approach to the issue coolly not bookish, abstract and "impersonal." I never used to think the male : dividend that is much the sphere of emotions, considered unworthy by the rational and spiritual, noble, high, absolute. It was the end of the usual soul-body dualism, derived from Plato, is alien to Judaism, Christianity and the (original), and at the same Islam. And the woman, of course. I have always rejected this separation, I thought was unnatural.
A side and top: aspects of the uprising in Tunisia. Below: Video dedicated to female resistance.
I continued to deal with these issues long after the love affair with the Syrian boy. In fact, I realized that the southern shores of the Mediterranean, so close to us, and in some cases, such as Tunisia, very close, we would have had to deal with soon, though no one could foresee the multiple, and often tragic, how which would take place this confrontation / clash. Not of civilization, as they said after the Huntington and their followers tired from our own, Oriana Fallaci and unlamented Marcello Pera, but to people who are much more complex - and, nel contempo, affascinanti.
Quel momento pare esser giunto. Ben più significativamente dell'11 settembre. Rivoluzione, indipendentemente da come procederanno gli eventi in Tunisia , Algeria , Yemen e soprattutto Egitto , lo è comunque già. Una tempesta, un terremoto, ecco: mentale, culturale, e quindi, per sua natura, sempre inatteso, perché l'essere umano è imprevedibile e ignoto anche a sé medesimo e ai suoi stessi progetti.
I paesi sopra menzionati hanno sono molto diversi tra loro: geograficamente, storicamente, socialmente. Ma l'immaginario municipality has crystallized the point of no return, a sort of year zero, in Mohammed Bouaziz , the Tunisian graduates and unemployed, in order to survive, had been reduced to make street vendor. Abusive, ça va sans dire . Mohammed, the young Dr. Mohammed cosmopolitan dreams, after yet another abuse of power no longer has cancer. The police had confiscated his cart with all his wares. Outlaws for the transgression of the law, Mohammed will now experiencing the absurd penalty. In him has created a short circuit. "Mom, I'm sorry, I can no more" , wrote in his last letter. Then he set himself on fire .
Mohammed has transformed his body fuse - literally - and triggered a flood unstoppable, during which Ben Ali, Tunisia's father-master, he fled with his family and with the silver, leaving the thugs to repress its people to beggars.
Other Mohammed has transformed his body fuse - literally - and triggered a flood unstoppable, during which Ben Ali, Tunisia's father-master, he fled with his family and with the silver, leaving the thugs to repress its people to beggars.
, numerous, unnamed, in its various and populous cities of Africa and Asia, were slain as Mohammed. One thing seems to have in common: youth. And this immense pile of young lives, in places where ' average age is estimated at twenty-five years attests to the atrocities that we are not in the presence of a simple bread riots, as has been described in a hasty manner by some Western observers. While each uprising born of basic needs and concrete, from exasperation mangy, old injustices, it is equally true that, to become the revolution, is much more. Need awareness, serving culture. What is needed, in particular, the dream of one thing .
is currently the drama. But it is also, as we said, the revolution already. As far as we know - and even a lot from the official channels of information, as by bloggers and social network , vere "anime" del movimento sia in Tunisia sia in Egitto : non a caso, in quest'ultimo, il regime ha bloccato l'accesso a Internet - le parole d'ordine che maggiormente si odono nei cortei sono "democrazia, giustizia, libertà" . Pochi slogan islamisti, e (ancora) isolati. Il tentativo di provocare una reazione integralista si è già verificato, a Capodanno, col tragico assalto ai cristiani copti; ma il resto della popolazione non si è lasciata irretire dalla furia cieca dei fanatici. E i manifestanti attuali? "Non siamo di sinistra e nemmeno Fratelli musulmani: siamo soltant

long as the "dream" mentioned many times will become finalmente realtà, ma realtà, a sua volta, fluida. Perché chi ha promesso la completa realizzazione dei sogni in terra, ha poi schiacciato gli occhi che permettevano agli stessi di fiorire. La democrazia consiste proprio in questa fluidità, in questo senso d'imperfezione che, però, sprona a migliorarsi. L'associazione umanista Mondo Senza Guerre e Senza Violenza , giorni fa, ha diramato un comunicato stampa nel quale, pur esprimendo fiducia nella società civile e salutando "con grande entusiasmo" la protesta, nella società civile, non ha nascosto la sua preoccupazione " per la cieca violenza repressiva scatenata dalle autorità e anche dalla possibilità che la rabbia dei manifestanti contribuisca una spirale di violenza inarrestabile, a danno del successo della protesta" . Il comunicato così conclude: "Chiediamo ai governi di questi paesi di dimettersi, di ripristinare la libertà d'espressione e di manifestazione e di lasciare spazio a una transizione nonviolenta che porti a una nuova tappa di libertà per uomini, donne, anziani e giovani" .
Poche righe, ma dense e importanti. Non è il caso d'abbandonarsi a facili entusiasmi, né di coltivare utopie sincretiste da salotto radical-chic, come accadde per esempio trent'anni fa, quando numerosi intellettuali progressisti, anche illustri (One of all, Michel Foucault ) eagerly greeted the advent of the revolution Khomeini in Iran, which was actually a clerical and violent reaction to a rotten and corrupt regime, and represented a rejection of a purely negative sign intolerable situation. Even today, casually ignoring the age-old enmity between Shiites and Sunnis, between Arab and non-Arabs - that led us not forget that in two bloody wars lasted ten years - Ahmadinejad gives an interpretation of all instrumental in the recent unrest: the mold "undoubtedly Islamic , according to him. It matters little if the Iranian regime is by definition freedom-and its first victims are young people, who constitute 90% of the population. Last Christmas, were hanged in the total silence of the international authorities, seven students, and earlier this month by the Executioner has set up 66 runs, decimating the ch

Tunisia, Egypt and other countries are very different Iran. And the Arabs really deserve much more than 'either-or between fundamentalism and depraved satrapies. These days, pace of Ahmadinejad and Al Qaeda, anti-Western slogans if they have heard very little, indeed, the cry that has resonated in the streets was more marked in French: "Mubarak DEGAGE" , Mubarak vattene, esattamente come in Tunisia si è urlato: "Ben Ali dégage" . "E' sicuramente simbolico che gli slogan degli insorti siano stati pronunciati nella lingua della rivoluzione francese" , constata l'islamologo francese Gilles Kepel , forse con eccessiva enfasi, ma non certo in modo peregrino. Il fondamentalismo, prosegue Kepel, non è segno di potenza né di rinnovamento, ma di declino: "Queste società, invece, hanno dimostrato di voler rientrare a far parte della Storia universale , da cui sono state scansate dal dittatore di turno o dal jihad " .
Occorre superare, come già prediceva lo studioso libanese (cristiano) Edward Said in un fondamentale saggio, l'orientalismo da una parte, l'occidentalismo dall'altra. E' troppo presto per intravedere una rinascita, ma è sicuro che un mondo, e un paesaggio mentale, sono morti per sempre. Abbiamo visto tante donne sfidare la tirannide, ma sappiamo che, in caso di derive integraliste, le prime vittime saranno loro: per questo, molto saggiamente, il comunicato di Mondo Senza Guerre le ha esplicitamente menzionate come destinatarie di pace, progresso e libertà. Le apprensioni di Israele sono più che giustificate: l'Egitto di Mubarak era in verità l'Egitto di Sadat, che pagò con la vita il riconoscimento all'esistenza the Jewish state. The fear of fundamentalism should not be set aside, but why not read the words of El Baradei, in that it will change from within, unpublished suggestions? Really democracy, freedom, human rights, respect for minorities can only be declined within a vocabulary of western?

Egypt, moments of fraternization in mezzo agli scontri. In basso: manifestanti dànno vita a una forma di resistenza nonviolenta di fronte all'esercito armato fino ai denti (foto di Wissam Samhat) .
Di più: il mondo arabo è variegato al suo interno, esattamente come tutti gli altri popoli. I Nordafricani sono cabili e berberi semitizzati; gli egiziani di stirpe camitica, anch'essa semitizzata; l'Islam li accomuna, ma non tutti; e non tutti allo stesso modo. Esistono poi i credenti di altre fedi che, pur minoritari, non sono meno arabi dei primi. "L'Islam è una religione come un'altra. More secular, in fact, than many others. What the damages are certain institutions ", said once the Moroccan writer Tahar Ben Jelloun . This secularism, this horizontality of which we spoke several times about Islam, a faith without a priest, a faith of the newspaper , certainly bears within it the potential for moral progress, social and cultural development of peoples. It is not clear why abandon it to fundamentalist distortions, or worry just as limited, pervaded by a syndrome of the besieged citadel. The man who, according to the Koran , is weak, fickle, consisting of black mud and blood (Cor LXX, 19) is also noble, however, because God has breathed his spirit. For God's gifts - intelligence, will and word - a man, according to the beautiful translation of Federico Pejrone is theophany of divine qualities, and must become his witness through the study, because wisdom comes to God The inner, Islamic spirituality that sees the sign of unremitting life sacred, then, contains human moment that already identified by Academician Russian Artur Sagadeev (and taken up by Silo, founder of the Humanist Movement) in his lecture humanism in classical Islamic thought , held in Moscow back in 1993: the interest for man of the thinkers of the golden age, city and open to new ideas and scientific, cultural, literary concentrated in the top "man is the problem of man" , but at the same time, the g

unable to reach, after so much suffering and blood, those points of convergence? perceive that there would be enough. It seems to us that the only alternative to a path otherwise sprinkled with other tragedies, of other carnage.
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