Monday, March 7, 2011

What Are The First Signs Of Pneumonia

custard pancakes again

It 's a light sauce, perfumed. I made it yesterday for the first time and I was conquered. I followed the recipe GialloZafferano .

75 ml fresh whole milk 250 ml fresh cream

4 egg yolks 1 / 2 vanilla bean 75 g sugar

Pour into a saucepan the cream and milk, cut the vanilla pod to the middle lengthwise, seeds taken from the interior with the back of the spoon and add the cream and milk, also add the vanilla pod and bring to a boil on low heat, turn off and leave to infuse for 30 minutes in the meantime in a bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar with electric whips or helping the planet, until frothy and white, at this point, after 30 minutes of infusion, add the liquid to the yolks mounted filtering it through a colander, mix gently with a whisk and put in saucepan over very gentle heat to thicken the cream, but doing never brought to a boil, if you have a food thermometer be careful not to exceed 83 degrees, turn off the heat and pour into a bowl.

For immediate use, use the cream for desserts or as a mirror of the tassel on the plate, otherwise if you want to retain the cover with film making it adhere well to the cream itself so that it forms a patina on the surface.

How I used it I? ... Tomorrow!

One last thing: the first of April I will be in Milan and my friend Silvia incntro between is organizing a blogger for Sunday, April 3. Would you like to participate? Send them an email to and tell you all

Bon Appetit! Stefania


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