Saturday, January 29, 2011

In Which Episode Of Kutumb Did Pratham Rape Gauri

A West-East Diwan

Pagine di vita vissuta, una lucente e frizzante mattina di gennaio. Milano tutta per noi, inedita, fresca, linda come il bucato di Dio. Momenti dell'uscita didattica della seconda B del liceo artistico "De Nicola", in visita a Sant'Ambrogio , San Lorenzo e alla mostra Arte della civiltà islamica , a Palazzo Reale .

A sinistra: Palazzo Caccia-Dominioni , alle prime luci del sole, sorge con la semplicità solenne d'un gigante antico. Un color tramonto che, per felice contraddizione, si desta nel silenzio.

Sant'Ambrogio, porch. Students have become tour guides and took us to visit one of the most important churches in Milan.

Constantine, the last pagan emperor or the first Christian ruler? The Roman Empire and a patron of the East, behind him, San Lorenzo, a masterpiece of classical art, Baroque, Byzantine. Below: Jesus and the doctors , Ravenna-Byzantine mosaic in the chapel of Sant'Aquilino.

A silent dream of dominating the square cleared, majestic in a vacuum. Centuries meet in a few meters, under a sky greek, turquoise and persuasive, but frankly Ambrosian. It tells of gods, nymphs, satyrs of that dance among clothes hanging in the sun, carts, craft shops, older workers, different faces, strangers, spatriati. Former slaves.

In the courtyard of the Palazzo Reale, and below, one of many works, dating back to 1610, look at the exhibition on Islam. Islam is the religion of everyday life, the horizontal, the family, sanctity of life as lived. It makes the eternal present moment. E 'careful, serious, abstract and imaginative. His prints of artists sometimes anticipate McIntosh, sometimes set on parchment precious miniatures of time still, already sky, modest, thoughtful, slow. Rest of the eyes and soul.

Milan so we had not ever seen. Worlds and generations, races, bricks, voices of men and women, such as rivers, near and far, in an intense, perennial flow.


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