Thursday, January 27, 2011

Remove Ear Pads From Salomon Helmets

Please do not forget

Born in Milan and died in Rome on the eve of the Day Memory. Losing Tullia Zevi struck a multiple pain: international Judaism, culture, secularism, women, Italy. And once again strength with the urgency and the importance of this appointment. In the near future, the last direct witnesses of those terrible years will be gone. It becomes increasingly necessary to enliven the conscience, especially the young, especially in a time when neo-Nazism, behind the screen of a so-called freedom - or rather license - thought s'inocula dangerously in Europe and worldwide. The Justice Minister Angelino Alfano has announced that, in short, the denial will prohibited by law. Commendable initiative, but that is likely to remain a dead letter if not accompanied with widespread educational activity, because often, in recent years, we have heard jokes ambiguous or openly, anti-Semitic spoken by prominent Italian politicians.

We know, however, that the crimes of the Holocaust have been developed centuries before the Nazi history. Ecumenical Christians say: "There is not, and there will be, no public statement of repentance, and even a papal Protestant [...] that they could somehow hide the ethical responsibilities, political, pastoral, human the followers of Rabbi Jesus over the centuries, against the Jewish people. Looking closely against any religious minority. First the Anabaptists, whose fate for the rejection of infant baptism was drowning in the rivers of Europe ". It continues: "We mourn Tullia Zevi simply as non-violent, anti-fascists, but also as a religious level antitotalitarianism " .

Bresso, North Park, monument to the deportees.

On Sunday pulled a shiny boots of the Nazis, who were atheists, in fact, unbelievers and pagans, were - during World War II - Germans in temples across the city: the Catholic parish priest and that of the Lutheran pastor. They had to hear Mass or go to the worship of the Word. The jew Jesus was transformed into an idol of militarist and racist ideology, as well as criminal.

saddens fact that despite the good intentions shown by Alfano, in Milan, then the missing funds for Holocaust memorial. And without memory, there is no story. " What is the greatest service that knowledge of history can give us? - wondered Zevi - to put them on notice. The Nazis wanted to kill Jews simply because they were Jews, Gypsies because they were Gypsies and homosexuals because they were homosexual [in this regard please sign the petition against rape "corrective" perpetrated against lesbians in South Africa] , Venivano tutti visti come devianti che dovevano essere eliminati. In ciò consisté la soluzione finale". Identica sorte venne riservata a intellettuali e oppositori politici, sia religiosi, sia laici. "Ci si deve rendere conto di cosa rappresenta la presa di potere di un regime dittatoriale e si deve amare e conservare questa democrazia che con tanta fatica abbiamo riconquistato " , soleva ripetere Zevi.

Speriamo che nel giardino del Tempio si piantino fiori di libertà, colorati e profumati. Non è mai troppo tardi, malgrado la giornata odierna.

Post scriptum . Vincendo il disgusto, trovo opportuno diffondere un episodio disgustoso, che circola sul web. Taluni, fra cui una non meglio precisata "Armata Rossa" costituita da nostalgici stalinisti e gruppuscoli vicini all'estrema destra, hanno propalato l'incredibile bufala secondo cui la escort Ruby, protagonista delle caldi notte arcoriane, sarebbe nientemeno che un' agente del Mossad ; e non ha riso nessuno, al contrario! I succitati signori hanno mostrato di prenderla molto sul serio. Del razzismo dei "sinistrissimi" già mi occupai in precedenza ; qui, però, sfioriamo piuttosto un'irreversibile cretineria.

(Grazie al Gruppo Ecumenici)


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