Monday, February 28, 2011
Good Indigestion Medication
, we know, it happens more or less at all: a little itch, a restlessness, a constant thought. E 'quell'inspiegabile (safe?) Desire to get their fingers in the pie to cook something special. But not something too simple. And not even too complicated. Dolcino a delicate, fast, unpretentious, but not too few. This tart is born. From an itch.
For the pastry: (I used the recipe for mom)
250 gr flour 125 gr sugar 125 gr butter
1 egg grated zest of 1 / 2 orange
For the frangipane mixture : (I have drawn once again by Montersino )
100 grams butter 100 grams sugar 100 grams flour
100 grams whole eggs (they are 2 small eggs) 40 g flour
zest 1 / 2 orange
Also :
2-3 tablespoons of orange marmalade
Put the flour and mix with sugar. Break the butter cold from the refrigerator and crumble together the flour with your fingertips, quickly and without mixing. When many large crumbs are formed, also enter the egg and whisk with a fork, mixing the flour gradually. Compattatela. Do not be afraid to work the dough: dismantle this myth. Touch it without anxiety and mix everything. When you format a disc, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for half an hour. Before you roll it out, it should beat a bit 'with the rolling pin to make the butter more malleable, but did not soften it too much. Roll out the dough and cover the bottom of a well-buttered cake pan. Coat the edges. Prick the bottom with the tip of a fork and spread 2-3 tablespoons di marmellata di arance. Far riposare in frigo e, nel frattempo, preparare il ripieno.
Montare con le fruste elettriche il burro a temperatura ambiente con lo zucchero a velo e la scorza dell'arancia. Aggiungere gradualmente le uova sbattute e continuare a montare. Inserire poco alla volta anche il mix di farina 0 e farina di mandorle. Quando il composto sarà pronto, trasferirlo in una sacca da pasticceria e distribuirlo uniformemente sulla base della crostata. Cuocere in forno a 180° per 35-40 minuti, finchè la superficie sarà dorata.
Quando fredda, spolverare con zucchero a velo.
Buon Appetito!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Where Can I Buy Shoestring Licorice In Ct

Not a woman,
you were a child.
unmarried daughter of a world, that gave you birth
distracted, and sheds tears dry
to welcome the pain. Daughter of
absent consciences, yelling curse in
and yet wants to keep quiet,
hours, just for you. As far as your eyes
already scattered with a vague melancholy, of a dull
presentiment of trouble
Not an angel,
you were a child. Do not allow it
The Yara Gambirasio body was found around 17:30 Saturday, February 26, exactly three months after his death. The Milanese humanist observe a minute's silence in his memory during the Women's Day which will be brought forward to March 5 , 21.00 , at the ' Arci Bitte of via Watt 37 .
Contacts Make Eyes Watery
La mia prima torta mezzo busto e la mia prima torta pacchettino.....è stato divertente farle....!! Il seno è fatto di salame di cioccolato (sapete che ormai mi piace così tanto che cerco di metterlo un pò ovunque...anche perchè se a qualcuno non piacciono creme e pan di spagna c'è l'alternativa!)!! L'interno è pan di spagna con crema zabaione, mascarpone e panna. Copertura in pasta di zucchero al miele!
La torte hanno avuto un grande successo..e sono proprio soddisfatta!!!
Buon compleanno Danilo Antonio e Vania!!
E' stata proprio una bellissima festa!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Problems With Inserting Tampons
I just read a post that, as often happens when these things happen, makes me bitter. The case of Adrian was
ecclatante and shameful, the recipe was stolen, not just the photo, and then passed off miserably recipe for others. We are confident that the theft of photos is not as regrettable?
Honestly, every time I read about these things, I am ashamed to be part of the blogger category, knowing that in this category, there are people who do this sort of thing. It would take time to say "I love this recipe and I find it interesting, bring it here for you. And look what a beautiful fate that Paul did (but also Morena or anyone else) ...
Now the recipe for today: if you do not you loved the spicy flavors in general and particularly the chili, and give you a jar of nduja calabrase, what would you do? I'll admit, I got groped and I also tried it on bread. And I also liked it! And then I tried to give you an idea specialeper highlight!
For the brisa nduja :
250 gr 00 flour 2 heaping tablespoons of
nduja Spilinga
ice water 90 g butter salt to taste
For the sauce: 500 gr
mushrooms (I mushrooms) 3 tablespoons mascarpone
with flour to make a fountain, and enter butter into pieces and salt. Crumble with your hands as you would a pastry. Enter the nduja and mix the flour, continuing to crumble with the fingertips. Add ice water one tablespoon at a time, until you reach the right consistency (to me it took just one and a half). Knead and let rest in refrigerator. Meanwhile prepare the filling: finely chop the mushrooms and sautéed in a pan with oil, salt and garlic. Cook and then cool. Combine the mascarpone.
Coat a cake tin (I used one of Guardini ) with brisa, leaving aside a little bit to cover. Spread the filling and close with the other brisa, making dei tagli sulla superficie per far fuoriuscire il vapore. Cuocere a 220° per 35-40 minuti. Fare freddare completamente prima di servire.
Con questa ricetta do il benvenuto nel mio blog a Magnatum Club , un sito dedicato agli amanti del mangiare bene. Nel loro sito troverete prodotti di alta qualità accuratamente selezionati, come questa nduja e queste pesche di vigna sciroppate
Buon Appetito!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Mens Peace Sign Singlet
Among the flames of the twentieth century Mediterranean disappears. The new millennium breaks now, with the robbed and even fearful that swept the regime of Libyan Muammar Gaddafi - main military partner Italy, among others - and there is no lack of expansion in Greece last border of Europe. But what is Europe?
There is no longer Europe, as we have learned to know her. There are no longer in Africa, nor Asia. When you also managed to crush the uprising, indeed, revolution, young people who are pressing below the Mediterranean, the ashes would explode again. Sooner or later. And it is already late.
Faced with harrowing images of mass graves the beaches of Libya (above) , I am reminded of a famous painting by Umberto Boccioni, exhibited in the Museum's own these days Twentieth Century: The farewells . The Futurist Calabrese had painted the color of anxiety, the silent tedium of migrant Italians, seem to hear the same chants, funeral, abandoned, darkened, the information, penalty choral and faceless, and the same, the same, that behind the crumbling of tyranny and considered
"We were deceived, for decades, support of totalitarian regimes that constitute the best guarantee to meet the threat of terrorism and the flow of migrants, while also ensuring energy supply - says Gad Lerner in the usual, lucid discussion of events - and we have developed teorie razziste di matrice neocoloniale: sec ondo cui i nostri vicini di casa sarebbero per loro natura inadatti alla democrazia, refrattari al progresso civile. Fino a usare anche per loro il concetto di 'democratura', come se le società arabe si potessero governare solo con un mix fra democrazia (finta) e dittatura (vera)" . A tal proposito, Lerner evoca anche la "paura del progresso" .
Sfiducia nel futuro, perché sfiducia (e timore) del giovane: da parte d'una società invecchiata e spossata. Molto opportunamente, Alessandro Capriccioli fa notare che Gheddafi è stato sostenuto da tutti: destra e sinistra . Non solo in Italia. Benché, Then, we can not compare the acquiescence of interested and cynical businessman B. - And its corollary antics - with politics, more or less questionable, than its predecessor. Quell'acquiescenza cynical and concerned, above all, very short-sighted, which led to the guilty, cowardly delay with which it has been accepted, teeth very tight and pressed by the international community, that perhaps yes, perhaps in Libya you are exaggerating. But neither B. nor his Minister Frattini have even dreamed of asking for referrals of Gaddafi in a court of international justice, and indeed for many days, the President of the Council and trembling hath been kept in suspended silence broken only to declare that ... "Did not intend to disturb his friend Muammar . And trust Frattini, back: "Europe should not export democracy" .
Really, sir? Should not? Yet we have not heard much in recent years. In recent years those who, like humans, it has always resolutely opposed to your "peacekeeping" has undergone a real shame, not just the media. We have attributed the worst abominations, from defeatist in connivance with a mysterious cutthroats, the cowardice all'antipatriottismo. Unpatriotism? From what pulpit comes the sermon! Such accusation, however ridiculous, it sounds insane even by you, whereas che siete tenuti sotto scacco da una coalizione politica esplicitamente avversa all'unità d'Italia, che definisce Garibaldi un "mafioso" e che vi ha persino impedito di trovare un accordo per celebrare degnamente il nostro 150°.
E, del resto, non si capisce cosa c'entri l'amor di patria col cannoneggiamento dei paesi mediorientali. O forse si capisce benissimo, ma vi torneremo più sotto.
"L'Europa non deve esportare la democrazia" ! E, intanto, il Senato ha appena approvato il rifinanziamento della "missione" militare in Afghanistan . Signor ministro, non è che ci sta prendendo by the nose?
Why do you see that is serious, eh. Not really for us, that we are alive and well and your insults are we to make a mustache. But I must explain to the families of soldiers killed in our civilizing work, that their sacrifice was useless?
not mess around with human lives, Minister Frattini! Blood is blood coming from anywhere. Before Realpolitik, there are non-negotiable values: the dignity of the human is the first of these.
"The Italian government continues to be distracted by the events of the judicial most useless Prime Minister that our storia ricordi - tuona uno sdegnato Carlo Olivieri , del Partito umanista romano , - e la guerra in Afghanistan, ché di guerra si tratta, dopo ben nove anni non ha raggiunto nemmeno uno degli obiettivi formalmente dichiarati. Da sottolineare l'inerzia dell'opposizione che, con la sola eccezione dell'Italia dei Valori, ha votato compatta con la maggioranza. Un'operazione che costerà 410 milioni di euro in soli sei mesi per mantenere 4.350 soldati, mentre continuano a diminuire i fondi per l'istruzione e la ricerca, si taglia vergognosamente la spesa pubblica e cresce la disoccupazione giovanile" . Anche Mondo Senza Guerre e Senza Violenza stigmatizza l'ipocrisia italiana ed European Union, but also that of the Libyan dictator who "responds to the events by hiring mercenaries in Africa, firing rockets at the population and attributing the riots to an Islamic conspiracy along with obscure foreign operations" .
Humanists are not naive. They know, even to try them directly, the difficulties arising from any influx of thousands of refugees, foreigners, but also Italians, fleeing desperate situations. But they can not see that, once again, the total failure of the policy of rejections, which, just like the combat missions, has not even been able to guarantee our country a minimum of security so that incautamente propagandata.
E ciò perché l'Italia ha abdicato alla sua vocazione profonda: quella di baricentro del Mediterraneo .
Udiamo evocare da ogni parte: "Occidente, Occidente" . Come un mantra, o un esorcismo. Il nostro presidente del Consiglio, che pur si comporta da principe ottomano, lo ripete ogni volta che può. Anche e soprattutto adesso, impaurito da quelle masse di giovani africani e asiatici che gli sembrano tremendi e sconosciuti alieni. In realtà, l'Occidente di Berlusconi si oppone alla più autentica, e spontanea, tradizione italiana. Perché circoscritto e difensivo. Perché basato sulla contrapposizione, non sul mutual exchange. Because, to paraphrase again Lerner, reveals the cultural deficiency of the ruling class northerner, frightened by the cosmopolitan Mediterranean lived only as a threat and not as an enrichment - and, almost mo 'reply, the video below, he describes ironically "l' only country in North Africa where there are rebels "! -. While the most exciting moments of Italian history have coincided with large travel, maritime republics, Sicily flourished, first under the Arabs, then under the Normans and the Swabians. Eurabia not as a futile Fallaci rancunosi lost in fury, but Southern Europe: jutting out into the sea, temperate, unique in its diversity. This is Italy, which abbiamo perduto, questa è l'Italia che vogliamo ritrovare.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Large Frame Seating Chart For Wedding
Il restauro di Miracolo a Milano non è solo una bella notizia. E' la restituzione di un'infanzia, un viaggio a ritroso in una sarabanda di specchi, insegne, cieli sabiani in cui s'accendono parole, smaglianti bianco e nero densi di luce e gioia. E' un ritorno a scabri arenili bodies in the hot and bright sun of the late forties. It 'a glimpse into our origins, a search in secret inviolate. Because in that movie, so old and ragged and shining, I saw my father .
too, like many others, was lost in that chaos of boys from the knees gone, that waving the poor rose to heaven on horseback for a mop. Above the wide sky at last, and brilluccicante, in eddies and swirls of playful bliss.
wonder what she thought then. Nothing, is swept under his floppy beret. The barracks Milan were similar to those of Rome. He did not live there. He lived, or rather went, in Angelo Mosso, including Gorla and Turro, even then, iron railings, but home, won somehow. My father, child, I was soaring. Every now and then. I do not know if he loved the shadows lise the kitchen and the aquarium. But it was air. How about those poor scope, my father was actually born on the street and the street was his family of friends, or monelletti, with names that would have made the happiness of Gadda, or of a Pasolini Away: The Marietto the Demi Demi , and most of all, the Chicago Executioner's Faust. With whom, one day, he shared the discovery of a note from a thousand pounds, near of a bakery. The sweet scents which had a limited taste. Licking his lips dry and dirty. That day did not drive the lizards did not fight with his comrades, nor stop at the ABC cinema to play tricks on some rancid "culatun" . S'ingozzarono instead of pasta, careless and greedy and material and rickety, children forever, filled in an uncontrollable joy of wrecks, drunk for a tomorrow that they believed the next, and tactile.
Level 42 Electric Box Iphone
1 whole egg 6 egg yolks 6 egg whites
200 g sugar 20 g
wildflower honey 140 g flour 40 g 00
starch potatoes 1 lemon peel
In a large bowl whisk for about 5 minutes with electric whips, the whole egg, egg yolks, 100 grams of sugar, lemon rind and honey until mixture is very fluffy.
Separately, whip the whites with the remaining sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. Sift flour and starch: in small doses to incorporate gently beaten di tuorli. Unire, infine gli albumi, mescolando con una paletta lentamente dal basso verso l'alto affinchè non si smontiano. Se si decide di fare i savoirdi, versare il composto in una tasca da pasticciere con una bocchetta liscia media e formate su una placca, rivestita di carta da forno, dei bastoncini lunghi circa 6 cm. Cospargere di zucchero e cuoceteli in forno a 220° per 8 minuti. Se fate il pandispagna, versate il composto in una teglia da 28 cm imburrata e infarinata e cuocete in forno a 180° per 20 minuti.
For wet limoncello: (I have slightly increased the original dose, even after this you'll understand why: I report what I did)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Dental Hygienist Out Of School Cover Letter
you'll see, my favorites are the desserts. My cross the leaven. The technique that I still have to learn is tempering. In my blog there's a little bit of everything. There is something, however, you have difficulty finding: fish (although I like a lot, do not cook often) and meat (although the cooks often do not really like me!). This
roast, however, although the flesh, has found wide acceptance. And her husband, always reluctant to approach particular tastes, liked. Cunina in this way, the meat acquires all the citrus flavor of orange red, white onion and the sweetness of the delicate flavor and crunchy pistachios. Everything made in Sicily
Before the recipe, however, allow a word to my post the last comments made me excited. It 's very rewarding and gratifying to know that someone appreciates my recipes so much, and my inventions by taking the trouble to comment on all my posts. Someone wrote the words fantastic, much better than it deserves. A simple thanks is not enough. Know (all in general, anyone in particular) that your comments warms my heart and although I can not always respond to all individually, have the urge to face any new culinary effort! Thanks, really!
Serves 4 :
a thread from vitelline
700-800 gr 100 gr pistachio
3 blood oranges
oil 1 white onion, salt, pepper
Wine white cane sugar to taste to taste
With a sharp knife to affect the long thread, so it can open it and stuff. Season with salt and pepper and massage for a few minutes. Let marinate, loosely, in the juice of 2 oranges (orange keep the third for later), and let it rest in frigo per 2-3 ore.
Trascorso il tempo, scolarlo dalla marinatura, senza asciugarlo. Distenderlo bene e farcirlo con 70 gr di pistacchi triturati al coltello e 3-4 fettine di arancia rossa (quella messa da parte) tagliate sottili. Chiudere il pezzo di carne e legarlo con lo spago. In un tegamino fare rosolare la cipolla. Aggiungere la carne, facendola dorare da tutti i lati, girandola con un cucchiaio di legno (attenzione a non punzecchiarla). Sfumare con il vino e fare evaporare. A questo punto trasferire tutto (carne e cipolla) in uno stampo da plum cake ( Guardini ), adagiando le cipolle sul fondo e la carne di sopra. Aggiungere metà del succo dell'arancia che avevate usato per la marinatura e trasferite in forno 220 °. The general rule wants 40 minutes for each pound of meat, then regulator according to your tastes. I like the meat well done, so I did bake 40 minutes, turning it a few times to keep it moist. If you like a bit more rosy, short time.
When it is cooked, remove it from the oven and wrap it in tin foil, making it cool. In the meantime, take all the juices and shake it, by reducing the fire until a thick cream that you will use later for serve.
When warm, remove the string and cut it into slices. Serve with orange sauce, the remaining pistachios crushed with a knife and sliced di arancia caramellata in padella con poco zucchero di canna. E, per completare il piatto, patate al forno!
Buon Appetito!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Flack wins Sanremo 2011
Thanks, Robert! Grazie perché la tua vittoria a Sanremo è stata veramente meritata. Grazie perché ti chiamano professore, ma io non ti ho mai sentito così collega come adesso. Grazie perché le tue note mi scivolavano addosso rotonde, piene, ampie, logiche come l'acqua fresca, come un abbraccio rigenerante, come una finestra spalancata, attesa, agognata, eppure da sempre lì, e non ce ne eravamo mai accorti. Grazie per aver ricordato a tutti che la semplicità non è semplicismo, grazie per questa tua ballata antica e accorata, così tipicamente italiana, quell'Italia che tu ami svisceratamente - l'hai detto, e si capisce -, grazie per averla dedicata a tutte le donne e in particolare alla tua. Sì, hai rivendicato con quel Your wide smile and those gestures and lanky, in a sense, broken down tenderly, Call still love is a song "Election", ie part, that all, or perhaps each (each).
Thank you for your flesh has something to woody. That resistant wood, brown, long autumns, cigar and good literature. Here, we always return there. You are aristocratic, Roberto. This perhaps t'imbarazza, aches, exhaustion, not to be patient and never understood. A patience of imprecations. Who loves damn its great people, its great tradition, and sees her impoverished, and is almost silent in the face of incredible destruction so ...
Thank you, because for almost 70 years, you've moved and we've moved. Not only when she sings your song. But even in the execution of 'O surdato' nnammurato , because you seemed to chew true that Italy. You, son of Milan, Naples, you experienced the thrill of your hand and join her in your arms.
I want to thank also Tricarico. His Sanremo went so well. But his Three colors remain there, suspended, blue, untouched, pure like a celesta. They reminded me of a painting by Miro. Then enriched by children, children also true, non parodie dei peggiori adulti in miniatura. Trasognato Tricarico, la tua scontrosità infeltrita era toccante. Sempre fuori posto sul palco di Sanremo, chissà se il tuo pezzo farà strada, ma un sentiero o un varco luminoso, in una notte cloisonnée , l'hai comunque aperto...
E grazie all' Alieno Battiato , che ha accompagnato il bravo Luca Madonia in un brano che qualcuno ha definito "un auto-plagio" e che a me pare piuttosto una citazione, o una riedizione del sound del cantautore siciliano. E' il suo stile, ma se pure qualche nota di troppo è finita nella canzone sanremese, poco male: si tratta, alla fine, d'una pioggia di stelle, di sidereo respiro: a Sanremo, uno scorcio di qualche remota partitura d'archi, suona come una strana, aliena suggestione. Tra le nuove proposte, il più sanremese è stato senz'altro Raphael Gualazzi : ma, attenzione: sanremese, mica nazionalpopolare. Sanremese come Sanremo: città degli eleganti fiori, dei turisti inglesi, delle preziosità Art nouveau . In questa lunga e brillante tradizione europea si colloca Gualazzi, forse con una voce ancora incerta, ma con sicuro piglio di grande intrattenitore. Auguri.
La Crus & Nina Zilli have presented a fine piece of music, even if the text is not very original and sometimes weak, with a dangerous shift in emphasis. However, it pleasant. And then came to him, the more Roberto (Benigni) . In fact, he performed during the second round, but the Festival will be remembered, in addition to Flack for his Brothers of Italy , modest and tears. You can view incredible, but the other night I find myself humming to the syncopated "Stringiam'ci cohort / We are ready to die / We are ready to die / Italy called ..." , and hesitant at the same semitone, which is matched by passion all'esibita Vecchioni: Italy helpless and frayed, Benigni suggests, should be treated with care, because it is young and beautiful, made by young people.
So it is. A Roberto opened the festival, another Robert has closed. Understandable in the stretch, intense and articulate in the content. Boys for boys, aged between 60 and 70. I am proud to have been young with them, know them sharp and exaggerated, in black and white with strong shades of Strangelove and Televacca , lightning or in rags and blasphemous Berlinguer I love you. Because love is part, and love you back. Now it "a quei ragazzi e a quelle ragazze che difendono un libro, un libro vero" prendere il testimone. Magari dalla biblioteca del professor-collega Vecchioni. Ma lo facciano. Per non trasformarsi in giovani-vecchi.
Decorating For Carnival
Sicuramente non molti di voi sanno che buona parte della mia vita è stata vissuta in terre lontane dal caldo sole mediterraneo della Sicilia. Ho avuto la possibilità e il piacere di calpestare suoli diversi e lontani dalla Conca d'oro.
Visitare e vivere in un posto sconosciuto, per me, significa ambientarsi e gustare le tipicità del luogo. Ho perciò avuto il piacere di mangiare in loco l'originale focaccia pugliese, la bontà dei risi e bisi, i tortelli piacentini, le minne di S.Agata e altro ancora... La vita, però, non mi ha mai portato (nemmeno in vacanza) nelle Dolomiti. Però, le Dolomiti sono arrivate fino in Sicilia con dei prodotti gustosi e a me sconosciuti.
Così, per questa domenica, vi propongo questo insolito (almeno per me) menu con i sapori delle fredde vallate dell'Alto Adige.
Un gustoso antipasto a base di speck , pan di fanis , formaggio (questo di Ragusa, però), il tutto accompagnato da una gelatina alla birra rossa
Deliziosi garganelli all'uovo conditi con ragù di bianco di cervo e annaffiati da un bel bicchiere di birra rossa
Polenta allo speck grigliata accompagnata con un sugo ai funghi davvero saporito (home made)
E per Finally, a cube (or maybe more?) of the euphonium chocolate and a glass of grappa with cumin .
All offered by Dolomitifood .
For the jelly beer I got from ispirarae little :
For about 50 jelly: 500 ml
red beer
400 g sugar 1 packet of 2:1 pectine
Pour pectine , sugar and beer in a deep pan. Mix and bring to a boil. Boil about 15 minutes (the instructions of pectine say but it's really just 3 minutes). Pour the gelatin in small molds for chocolate and let cool. Turn out and serve with cheese and salami.
As you can see from the photos, my jelly is quite soft and did not take well the shape of the mold, but the palate was the perfect consistency. Instead of the molds, you can pour it in glass jars, close them to create the vacuum. This will save you a long time.
Bon Appetit! Stefania
Friday, February 18, 2011
Wording For Lia Sophia Jewelry Party Invitation

Finally I made it! " Boum " was a success only thanks to you that you have given me recipes, memories, photos, thoughts ... Special thanks to all of you who participated, you ever wanted to participate, you did not know of the contest and that you have found out too late and, finally, to you that you did not participate because they do not like apples, but maybe you decide to download the pdf because it "does not never know!
To download, click HERE .
Thanks again! Stefania
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Can A 4 Year Old Have Mylanta
Oltre le più ottimistiche previsioni. Si è parlato di un milione di partecipanti in tutta Italia (centomila solo a Milano), e di svariate migliaia all'estero, da Parigi a Bruxelles, da Berlino alla remota Maputo, convenute per testimoniare solidarietà alle italiane. Una sc

Strano? No. La mescolanza di storie, provenienze, idee, età respirata in un'umida domenica di febbraio ha confermato la sensazione di trovarsi al crocevia d'un mondo, non in un semplice raduno occasionale, per quanto imponente. E' stata senza dubbio una manifestazione di donne; e, tuttavia, ha travalicato i confini di genere; si è avvertito, forse per la prima volta, che la dignità femminile ferita era una questione di primaria importanza; politica, nel senso più ampio e nobile del termine.
We were at the center of the world, be aware of issues, with the mind if not yet in practice, the ancillary condition in which there had always been relegated. But this new center, far from terror or from the stun, it seemed so obvious, natural, peaceful, that we have taken upon us, there are without load. And quell'armamentario of discrimination, violence, prohibitions, closures in the name of sex, that being eternally second (ie last) in the history of humanity, has suddenly revealed all his stupidity and inconsistency. Not even old stuff, but barbarism to sweep away, as greasy dust.
He summed up well Luisa Muraro : la manifestazione di domenica scorsa ha dimostrato non tanto la vitalità delle donne, quanto l'esistenza d'una questione maschile. Non sorprende, infatti, che l'analisi più completa, eloquente, ferma e dolce, ma nel contempo lucidamente spietata, della situazione ci sia giunta n on da una militante di lungo corso, ma da suor Eugenia Bonetti , una religiosa di 72 anni che per 24 si è occupata di prostituzione femminile e minorile, pri ma in Mozambico poi a Torino: "Rivolgiamo un forte appello alle autorità civili e religiose, al mondo maschile e maschilista che non you question [...] and especially women so that together we can regain those values \u200b\u200band meanings that underpin the common good for a living worthy of human beings ". Sister Eugen ia also denounced the hypocrisy of a ruling class who wanted to hit the street prostitution because it disturbs the "so-called right-thinking" , which rises champion of the Catholic Family and Morale and at the same time , conveys an image of the woman "intended merely as an instrument of leisure, consumption and income" (see my old articolo ; qui il testo completo dell'intervento di suor Bonetti, il cui video è stato in seguito rimosso ).
"Non si mettono in discussione" : il fulcro del problema sta, all'evidenza, tutto qui. Nemmeno tanto nella pur manifesta, incontrollabile - e, dunque, pericolosa - satiriasi di B.; ma nel fatto che, in B., la mag gior parte degli uomini italiani s'è apertamente identificata; e ha immaginato, nel tepore delle sue babbucce piccolo-bor ghesi, di emularne le gesta. Il Cavaliere aveva tutte le ragioni auto-definendosi, nel corso d'una telefonata a lla prostituta (anzi, alla escort ) Nadia Macrì, "il sogno degli italiani" . B. con quella frase ha dimostrato anche e sopr attutto la sua sagacia imprenditoriale nel cooptare gli umori profondi del Paese. Sapeva, ha sempre saputo, che il desiderio recondito di moltissimi uomini, anche di quelli formalmente "aperti" e progressisti, era spadroneggiare su un branco di oche compiacenti. E' il sogno dell'harem; altro che "civ iltà occidentale" da difendere, qui siamo alla più oscura (e sconcia) barbarie levant ina. E' un ciclo che ritorna, giacché, da sempre, l'ordine del mondo, what allowed a system of values \u200b\u200bbut also of controversial alues, wars, oppression, abuse of power, fascism, Nazism, has roots in the first sin: the misconoscimen t or of humanity

Side: the immigrant protest.
P er too much liberation struggles that occur in today Tuni is , Egypt (in Milan, a representative di quella comunità ha rivolto un accorato appello dal palco) ma pure in Libia - dove, peraltro, le proteste sembrano assumere una connotazione integralista -, Yemen , Iran e Bahrein non ott erranno un reale successo se non si accompagneran no a una vera, completa affermazione delle donne.
"L'uomo è il gu er riero, la donna il riposo del guerriero. Tutto il resto è stupidit à" : nella lapidaria sentenza di Nietzsche è racchiuso il frutt o avvelenato dell'odio e del disprezzo, la radice del potere . Ecco spiegati i ripetuti strali evangeli ci contro la ricchezza e l'(onni)potenza: poiché esse det urpano la natura uma na, giustificando stragi e iniquità in nome d'una pretesa superiori tà sessuale, culturale, razziale , religio sa, economica. Per lo stesso motivo, i deten tori (maschi) del sacro hanno acca ntonato questa proposta così rivoluzionaria e radicale d el Vangelo - comune anche ad altre religioni - per svilirla a mera faccenda di pruderia sessuale, punta ndo il sussiegoso indice sui peccati della carne, di cu i naturalmente la donna era la prima causa. Lo stesso avviene o ggi. Perché la gerarchia ecclesiastica non ha condannato, con parole nette e decise, lo scempio morale e culturale in cui stiamo quotidianamente affonda ndo?
"Gli interessi temporali e materiali della C hiesa, che sono in gioco, e la predisposizion e antidemocratica of its vertices, only an explanation and - Michael Martelli responds on "MicroMega. - The other is the traditional conception ecclesiastical inquisitor rial of women. Or rather, the body of the do nna. Dell'Eva-Serpent tempting and sinful, causing divine punishment For the inexperienced love. Or the Greek philosopher and scientist Hypatia of Alexandria, whose body is still there vo ava and smashed and burned by order of the saint bishop vo Cirillo. Or witches of the seventeenth century, accused of flying king on brooms secret nightly meetings to of the saba, at the mercy Saving Silverman and devils, and therefore the Torquemada of the round skewering (from the back or on poles in the vagina cumin), mutilated, skinned and quartered. Salvation women were responsible only for chastity (even in marriage, where women accept sex only for procreation), I Council ensured by their imprisonment convent, 'vo coincidental' or forced. women's bodies, in short, sareb be truly 'pure' only if asexual ! In this regard, Church and bunga bunga (Absite iniuria verbis!) paradoxically share same idea of \u200b\u200bthe female body. One or URPOSE available d el male, no independence, weak or incapable of thinking and free will, 'Something to' be covered or to be appropriated pe r handpieces Arlo ad libitum , with sadistic violence inquisitorial de tThe religious and torture, or the force blackmailed ria-Wed

It 's the same libido it fallocr atic that moves the alleged future of begging, the Fe lters ruled that, by influential pulpits, tr Attars only " a matter of gn occasion " Or, worse, Ostellino, d el which "Corsera" Fri ERDI last has pub lished a scholarly essay on freedom and democracy c he sells tta undying cry in front of the laity skies Liberal authentic. Us the Stellino that disperses with bespectacled obstinacy on " women sitting on the pro ere fort a" , coming to pave Ntare, behind the women's movement, nothing less than a "can lizia ethics "in the name of u na " high-style democracy " behind which celerebb and the long shadow of Scalfari and the 'Espresso' since women usually being to the stupid, do not have no aut onoma of thought and their antiberlusconism or is certainly exploited by some secret director - male
When did you know that Berlusconi would be judged by three judges ( "a nemesis" second "Famiglia Cristiana") pidiellino lawyer Gaetano Pecorella said: "Seeing a million women in the streets against the president, perhaps it would be appropriate that the principle of equality was respected even in the courts. There are crimes, particularly sexual ones, on which women are more careful and sensitive . It revived the odious and stale cliché of the woman emotional and irrational, unable to ensure fairness of proceedings. That same conventional wisdom that has impeded women's access to the office of court until 1960. If he had touched a woman be judged by three men, Sheehan and his peers would not have raised any objections, on the other hand, wonder how, if in 2003 such an accused of rape (we repeat: the rape) had the gall to expect at least one judge male "otherwise I would be discriminated against" ? His lawyer dared to forward the request sacrosanct; pettifogger was rejected and referred to the Order (but later acquitted), but the symbolic impact of the scandal was, in all its gravity.
For them, lovers of democracy "low", possibly at them Fleece el waist, freedom and arbitrariness are synonymous. He is therefore easy to confuse and der Ider one of the noblest and combative slogans femme Inismo or - "the uterus is my el or manage it" - with desire of the archaic and crude bordell o. The women chanted slogans those not interested nYou may need to claim the "right" to you nder his body; c hé there was no need; already happened, since the t wicked houses closed. It was, inv ece, to distance itself from centuries of dominance masch ile , reification of that which had been hitherto cost governed by the religious authorities , state and family. Then, clearly , each can individually decide whether or not to waste their in existence. The "escort" B., daughters of the Civil Ilta with the consumption of "never working" as evidenced by Nichi Vendola , allowed themselves - second or the words of one of them Iris Berardi - to buy the televis hours a father, the play station to brother, luxury handbags and clothing pe r themselves. " of work I do not want - have always declared Rato Iris - and then what? a thousand euro a month?" . All that in a time when the factory closed h, i cassi NTEGRA and unemployment rises and the crisis, both for about mbiare, combines especially for women.
Again: a / a is certain mind "free" to take drugs, steal or commit crime, q ualsivoglia; but that does not impli ca that a right to the crime or the crime bit ssa Apost uire a viable and alternative hypotheses of life. If these are the values \u200b\u200bfrom the nost contrabbandat superomuncoli re de 'Noantri, God there sca m and more free.
u mean the mini, paraphrasing the provocation of Anna Finocchi Hiara , I know not become a "sex used" , they have given. The fact that we are behind you Castle Berlusconi has everything the smell of a coup d'c hear. Impa rhino, rather, to listen and listen. Appre zzino is the value of the bias. Discover the beauty of being humble. Only in this way can again, with all and women and there ontro them regain dell'innoce nza lost.