An unexplained itching
, we know, it happens more or less at all: a little itch, a restlessness, a constant thought. E 'quell'inspiegabile (safe?) Desire to get their fingers in the pie to cook something special. But not something too simple. And not even too complicated. Dolcino a delicate, fast, unpretentious, but not too few. This tart is born. From an itch.
For the pastry: (I used the recipe for mom)
250 gr flour 125 gr sugar 125 gr butter
1 egg grated zest of 1 / 2 orange
For the frangipane mixture : (I have drawn once again by Montersino )
100 grams butter 100 grams sugar 100 grams flour
100 grams whole eggs (they are 2 small eggs) 40 g flour
zest 1 / 2 orange
Also :
2-3 tablespoons of orange marmalade
Put the flour and mix with sugar. Break the butter cold from the refrigerator and crumble together the flour with your fingertips, quickly and without mixing. When many large crumbs are formed, also enter the egg and whisk with a fork, mixing the flour gradually. Compattatela. Do not be afraid to work the dough: dismantle this myth. Touch it without anxiety and mix everything. When you format a disc, wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for half an hour. Before you roll it out, it should beat a bit 'with the rolling pin to make the butter more malleable, but did not soften it too much. Roll out the dough and cover the bottom of a well-buttered cake pan. Coat the edges. Prick the bottom with the tip of a fork and spread 2-3 tablespoons di marmellata di arance. Far riposare in frigo e, nel frattempo, preparare il ripieno.
Montare con le fruste elettriche il burro a temperatura ambiente con lo zucchero a velo e la scorza dell'arancia. Aggiungere gradualmente le uova sbattute e continuare a montare. Inserire poco alla volta anche il mix di farina 0 e farina di mandorle. Quando il composto sarà pronto, trasferirlo in una sacca da pasticceria e distribuirlo uniformemente sulla base della crostata. Cuocere in forno a 180° per 35-40 minuti, finchè la superficie sarà dorata.
Quando fredda, spolverare con zucchero a velo.
Buon Appetito!
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