Monday, February 21, 2011

Dental Hygienist Out Of School Cover Letter

Roast vitelline orange and red pistachio

you'll see, my favorites are the desserts. My cross the leaven. The technique that I still have to learn is tempering. In my blog there's a little bit of everything. There is something, however, you have difficulty finding: fish (although I like a lot, do not cook often) and meat (although the cooks often do not really like me!). This
roast, however, although the flesh, has found wide acceptance. And her husband, always reluctant to approach particular tastes, liked. Cunina in this way, the meat acquires all the citrus flavor of orange red, white onion and the sweetness of the delicate flavor and crunchy pistachios. Everything made in Sicily

Before the recipe, however, allow a word to my post the last comments made me excited. It 's very rewarding and gratifying to know that someone appreciates my recipes so much, and my inventions by taking the trouble to comment on all my posts. Someone wrote the words fantastic, much better than it deserves. A simple thanks is not enough. Know (all in general, anyone in particular) that your comments warms my heart and although I can not always respond to all individually, have the urge to face any new culinary effort! Thanks, really!

Serves 4 :
a thread from vitelline
700-800 gr 100 gr pistachio
3 blood oranges

oil 1 white onion, salt, pepper
Wine white cane sugar to taste to taste

With a sharp knife to affect the long thread, so it can open it and stuff. Season with salt and pepper and massage for a few minutes. Let marinate, loosely, in the juice of 2 oranges (orange keep the third for later), and let it rest in frigo per 2-3 ore.
Trascorso il tempo, scolarlo dalla marinatura, senza asciugarlo. Distenderlo bene e farcirlo con 70 gr di pistacchi triturati al coltello e 3-4 fettine di arancia rossa (quella messa da parte) tagliate sottili. Chiudere il pezzo di carne e legarlo con lo spago. In un tegamino fare rosolare la cipolla. Aggiungere la carne, facendola dorare da tutti i lati, girandola con un cucchiaio di legno (attenzione a non punzecchiarla). Sfumare con il vino e fare evaporare.  A questo punto trasferire tutto (carne e cipolla) in uno stampo da plum cake ( Guardini ), adagiando le cipolle sul fondo e la carne di sopra. Aggiungere metà del succo dell'arancia che avevate usato per la marinatura e trasferite in forno 220 °. The general rule wants 40 minutes for each pound of meat, then regulator according to your tastes. I like the meat well done, so I did bake 40 minutes, turning it a few times to keep it moist. If you like a bit more rosy, short time.
When it is cooked, remove it from the oven and wrap it in tin foil, making it cool. In the meantime, take all the juices and shake it, by reducing the fire until a thick cream that you will use later for serve.
When warm, remove the string and cut it into slices. Serve with orange sauce, the remaining pistachios crushed with a knife and sliced di arancia caramellata in padella con poco zucchero di canna. E, per completare il piatto, patate al forno!

Partecipo al contest di Labandadeibroccoli

e al contest di Cinzia

Buon Appetito!


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