1. ecco cosa vi occorre:
-pdz (un pò colorata di lilla o un colore forte, arancio, giallo, rosa.. e una parte bianca)
-stampini tondi di varie misure
-una teca busta trasparente
-un mattarellino
-pennellino e acqua
-your creative hands
2. Take a piece of pdz and make a ball, a wire covered infilateci and pointed the ball .. this will be the center of your body and pink. better to let it dry a day, so it will be robust and adhere well to the wire. Take a stencil in a circle the size of your circle. Stede pdz the rolling pin with a thickness of up to 2 mm. Cut 3 circles.
3.assottigliate the petals with your hands, crushing them.
4. must become like those to the right!
5-6. Take the brush and brush with a little water to the center of the rose, attacked the staggered and overlapping petals.
7. will be like a windmill .. well try to fix the petals so that they overlap offset. is not a simple step, but once you understand how it works does not stop you any more!
8. other four petals and place flat on floor as in the photo, one on top of another.
9. Brush a little water to the center and roll it on the petals. try to make them fit well with each other, helping with brushstrokes of water.
10. now you have to make the color more clear ... unless you take the white pdz you have made and mix in the dark. with a rolling pin roll out the dough thus obtained up to 2 mm thick, cut the petals with a cutter a little bigger than the last. I used the largest of the trio of steel. try to thin them well and use a toothpick to curl a bit.
11. 4 attaccatene staggered always trying to give a natural look
12. how many laps do you want as long as the petals of the rose .. you do not like the petals increased or decreased for each lap depending on the effect you want to get and put it to dry upside down by bending the wire and hooking it somewhere so that swing the pink.
Et voilà!!! La rosa è fatta!!!!
Un abbraccio!! A presto!!
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