Among the flames of the twentieth century Mediterranean disappears. The new millennium breaks now, with the robbed and even fearful that swept the regime of Libyan Muammar Gaddafi - main military partner Italy, among others - and there is no lack of expansion in Greece last border of Europe. But what is Europe?
There is no longer Europe, as we have learned to know her. There are no longer in Africa, nor Asia. When you also managed to crush the uprising, indeed, revolution, young people who are pressing below the Mediterranean, the ashes would explode again. Sooner or later. And it is already late.
Faced with harrowing images of mass graves the beaches of Libya (above) , I am reminded of a famous painting by Umberto Boccioni, exhibited in the Museum's own these days Twentieth Century: The farewells . The Futurist Calabrese had painted the color of anxiety, the silent tedium of migrant Italians, seem to hear the same chants, funeral, abandoned, darkened, the information, penalty choral and faceless, and the same, the same, that behind the crumbling of tyranny and considered
"We were deceived, for decades, support of totalitarian regimes that constitute the best guarantee to meet the threat of terrorism and the flow of migrants, while also ensuring energy supply - says Gad Lerner in the usual, lucid discussion of events - and we have developed teorie razziste di matrice neocoloniale: sec ondo cui i nostri vicini di casa sarebbero per loro natura inadatti alla democrazia, refrattari al progresso civile. Fino a usare anche per loro il concetto di 'democratura', come se le società arabe si potessero governare solo con un mix fra democrazia (finta) e dittatura (vera)" . A tal proposito, Lerner evoca anche la "paura del progresso" .
Sfiducia nel futuro, perché sfiducia (e timore) del giovane: da parte d'una società invecchiata e spossata. Molto opportunamente, Alessandro Capriccioli fa notare che Gheddafi è stato sostenuto da tutti: destra e sinistra . Non solo in Italia. Benché, Then, we can not compare the acquiescence of interested and cynical businessman B. - And its corollary antics - with politics, more or less questionable, than its predecessor. Quell'acquiescenza cynical and concerned, above all, very short-sighted, which led to the guilty, cowardly delay with which it has been accepted, teeth very tight and pressed by the international community, that perhaps yes, perhaps in Libya you are exaggerating. But neither B. nor his Minister Frattini have even dreamed of asking for referrals of Gaddafi in a court of international justice, and indeed for many days, the President of the Council and trembling hath been kept in suspended silence broken only to declare that ... "Did not intend to disturb his friend Muammar . And trust Frattini, back: "Europe should not export democracy" .
Really, sir? Should not? Yet we have not heard much in recent years. In recent years those who, like humans, it has always resolutely opposed to your "peacekeeping" has undergone a real shame, not just the media. We have attributed the worst abominations, from defeatist in connivance with a mysterious cutthroats, the cowardice all'antipatriottismo. Unpatriotism? From what pulpit comes the sermon! Such accusation, however ridiculous, it sounds insane even by you, whereas che siete tenuti sotto scacco da una coalizione politica esplicitamente avversa all'unità d'Italia, che definisce Garibaldi un "mafioso" e che vi ha persino impedito di trovare un accordo per celebrare degnamente il nostro 150°.
E, del resto, non si capisce cosa c'entri l'amor di patria col cannoneggiamento dei paesi mediorientali. O forse si capisce benissimo, ma vi torneremo più sotto.
"L'Europa non deve esportare la democrazia" ! E, intanto, il Senato ha appena approvato il rifinanziamento della "missione" militare in Afghanistan . Signor ministro, non è che ci sta prendendo by the nose?
Why do you see that is serious, eh. Not really for us, that we are alive and well and your insults are we to make a mustache. But I must explain to the families of soldiers killed in our civilizing work, that their sacrifice was useless?
not mess around with human lives, Minister Frattini! Blood is blood coming from anywhere. Before Realpolitik, there are non-negotiable values: the dignity of the human is the first of these.
"The Italian government continues to be distracted by the events of the judicial most useless Prime Minister that our storia ricordi - tuona uno sdegnato Carlo Olivieri , del Partito umanista romano , - e la guerra in Afghanistan, ché di guerra si tratta, dopo ben nove anni non ha raggiunto nemmeno uno degli obiettivi formalmente dichiarati. Da sottolineare l'inerzia dell'opposizione che, con la sola eccezione dell'Italia dei Valori, ha votato compatta con la maggioranza. Un'operazione che costerà 410 milioni di euro in soli sei mesi per mantenere 4.350 soldati, mentre continuano a diminuire i fondi per l'istruzione e la ricerca, si taglia vergognosamente la spesa pubblica e cresce la disoccupazione giovanile" . Anche Mondo Senza Guerre e Senza Violenza stigmatizza l'ipocrisia italiana ed European Union, but also that of the Libyan dictator who "responds to the events by hiring mercenaries in Africa, firing rockets at the population and attributing the riots to an Islamic conspiracy along with obscure foreign operations" .
Humanists are not naive. They know, even to try them directly, the difficulties arising from any influx of thousands of refugees, foreigners, but also Italians, fleeing desperate situations. But they can not see that, once again, the total failure of the policy of rejections, which, just like the combat missions, has not even been able to guarantee our country a minimum of security so that incautamente propagandata.
E ciò perché l'Italia ha abdicato alla sua vocazione profonda: quella di baricentro del Mediterraneo .
Udiamo evocare da ogni parte: "Occidente, Occidente" . Come un mantra, o un esorcismo. Il nostro presidente del Consiglio, che pur si comporta da principe ottomano, lo ripete ogni volta che può. Anche e soprattutto adesso, impaurito da quelle masse di giovani africani e asiatici che gli sembrano tremendi e sconosciuti alieni. In realtà, l'Occidente di Berlusconi si oppone alla più autentica, e spontanea, tradizione italiana. Perché circoscritto e difensivo. Perché basato sulla contrapposizione, non sul mutual exchange. Because, to paraphrase again Lerner, reveals the cultural deficiency of the ruling class northerner, frightened by the cosmopolitan Mediterranean lived only as a threat and not as an enrichment - and, almost mo 'reply, the video below, he describes ironically "l' only country in North Africa where there are rebels "! -. While the most exciting moments of Italian history have coincided with large travel, maritime republics, Sicily flourished, first under the Arabs, then under the Normans and the Swabians. Eurabia not as a futile Fallaci rancunosi lost in fury, but Southern Europe: jutting out into the sea, temperate, unique in its diversity. This is Italy, which abbiamo perduto, questa è l'Italia che vogliamo ritrovare.
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