I have never particularly loved the Valentine's Day, but I enjoyed this year to peek your hearts in love: appetizers, first courses, second courses and desserts of all types, all toghether with the typical form of love. Here are some shots of my last chocolate.
few days ago I received an email from Christine, who told me I made my pocket like coffee and monchery . Mi chiedeva come mai, il giorno dopo, i cioccolatini, seppur ancora buoni, avevano una patina biancastra. Ho già scritto altrove che io non mi sono mai cimentata nella tecnica del temperaggio. Se volete dei cioccolatini non solo buoni, ma anche perfetti, vi consiglio (e MI consiglio) di studiare con attenzione il blog di Nanni e il suo attento post sul temperaggio , e poi questo altro post , segnalatomi da Nanni, leggendo il quale ho capito che io di cioccolato npon ci capisco proprio nulla (eh ià, neanche di cioccolato!) I leave these shots. There are hearts. They are chocolate. I'm greedy. They are filled with pistachio cream.
But they are not tempered.
For 15 chocolates:
200 g dark chocolate 200 g 50%
pistachio cream
At the risk of being repetitive, I do not I tempered the chocolate, because I do not know how to do it, why do not I have a marble shelf and why I do not have the tools of the trade. If you want the chocolates of better quality and appearance, studied this post. I, however, I did the following: melt the chocolate and fill the chocolates. Invert the mold, making the excess chocolate to drain. Level with a spatula and let pass. Fill with pistachio cream up to three quarters. In the end, close the chocolate, put a dark chocolate and fine leveling with a spatula. Unmold gently and let pass. Here's the inside:
I know, not a great recipe, but there are some shots that I mind helping, and the collection of EliFla Hart-to-Hart
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