squares of Egypt!
In a Milan almost spring humanists have joined the Egyptian friends in celebrating the resignation of
"We will respect the Treaties" , is the assurance given to Israel by the provisional government. Yet, as ever in these times, elated of course, but no less real, there is a heady feeling exhausted happiness the happiness we feel after a long, painful and often frustrating effort, a physical happiness and contagious, which pays for the suffering . A happiness that follows a hard-won victory, and alone, "bottom" as the saying goes. "The fall of Mubarak
straordinatia marks a victory for people - says Emanuela Fumagalli di
Mondo Senza Guerre (a sinistra nella foto, col cartello giallo) . -
In diciotto giorni di mobilitazione nonviolenta, resistendo ad aggressioni di ogni tipo, gli egiziani sono riusciti a liberarsi di un dittatore che li opprimeva da trent'anni. Il coraggio e la perseveranza dimostrati dai manifestanti sono un esempio che ci auguriamo altri popoli seguano. E non solo nel mondo arabo. Certo - ammette -
la transizione verso una vera democrazia e un cambiamento profondo non sarà facile, e il popolo egiziano dovrà restare vigile e pronto a nuove mobilitazioni, ma da oggi nessuno potrà più affermare che una rivoluzione nonviolenta è impossibile" .
"Rivoluzione" is a word often echoed during the event, but accompanied by an adjective, a color: white.
our white revolution" , has scanned more than once a young man, to emphasize the way of a peaceful protest that cost three hundred victims, but has reached its first major objective. Yet what is most relied upon, what is repeated also by the Italian piazza as the need no longer be postponed, is another word: democracy. Perhaps because of this aborted revolution has suffered too many people, and now longs for a normal duties, mature, by country, "adult".
"Those Iraq Afghanistan and Iran are democracies fake - you are mitered another boy from the microphones of a makeshift truck decked in their Sunday best -
are regimes that have deceived and terrorized the people. We are not like them, we do not want to be like them ", and pointed the finger at the timidity of the Western diplomats, unable to grasp the difference. On the other hand, the slogans were dis
dyed for a large positive and proactive approach: in an atmosphere of joy warm and friendly, we were invited to join the dancing and singing of the Egyptian community. Strong and confident female participation, as evidenced by these images. Even if what I consider more significant is a painting, the huge oil panel that has accompanied the procession to the conclusion, in Central Station. A naive expressionist painting, reminiscent of some South American paintings, sacred and secular work (rather than religious) at the same time, as we said a friend
"The woman is Egypt
[" Misr "in Arabic, author's note]
, and is stripped bare because of all its assets. But then we arrived we, with our blood, Muslims and Christians, and we covered with our flag. Slowly The coat all ". This naked woman and chastity, poverty and solemn, disheveled and elegant in demeanor and measured gesti, ci pare oggi la perfetta metafora dell'Egitto in marcia, di tutte le sue anime, una spiritualità della nazione originale e inedita, un corpo femminile e simbolico, strappato al Sultano, che chiede solo d'incarnarsi veramente.
Poco più lontano, al teatro Dal Verme (...), l'ultrà cattolico, vergine e devoto Roberto Formigoni, in prima fila al
Family Day e strenuo crociato delle "radici cristiane d'Europa", nonché baluardo impenetrabile contro le depravate coppie di fatto, applaudiva i Ferrara
, gli Ostellino, i Sallusti; i quali, in una manifestazione parallela denominata in modo immaginifico
In mutande ma vivi , hanno difeso con inesausta veemenza il
diritto delle donne a prostituirsi per il Sultano . L'altro. Il nostro. Che però, essendo
liberale , marca la differenza. Chissà, forse l'espressione tirata di Formigoni denota un soffuso disagio, ben rintuzzato, del resto, dal piatto di lenticchie puttaneggiato col potere. Non abbiamo molto da commentare: ognuno ha le piazze che si merita.
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