Monday, February 7, 2011

Symptoms After Quit Smoking

Pain au levain ... perhaps

Intendiamoci: non sono una esperta di panificazione, anzi, di panificazione non ci capisco un granchè. Ormai chi mi conosce ha imparato a convivere con le mie pizze dure e collose, con i miei panini che non lievitano e con il mio lievito madre continuamente sull'orlo di una crisi di nervi... Il fatto di aver conosciuto Adriano and Paoletta certainly has not improved things. After course I understand that, if anything, one of my good pizza came, it was only by chance (though I did have a hint already!) So, why ever make bread at home?

will I just finished reading Bread and chocolate, it will be my yeast could not wait to finally produce something good will that has always leavened his charm and great satisfaction (when he can, of course) ...

For this bread I followed the recipe Valentina . She has made baguette sandwiches I undercooked as I like. The result is amazing, the process is simple and really good bread! Almost as if I had not done me!

For 4 baguettes / sandwiches :
250 grams of flour wheat semolina flour 250 gr
50 grams of yeast with 50% moisture
8 grams of salt
400 grams of water.

Dissolve yeast when cooled to 50 in 400 grams of water about 16 degrees. Pour the water with the yeast in a bowl with the flour sifted with salt. Stir quickly and mix the ingredients (without impastare ) con una forchetta o con una spatola morbida. Chiudete la ciotola con la pellicola, coprite e mettete a lievitare per circa 14 ore a temperatura ambiente.
Dopo il riposo, il non impasto si presenterà sviluppato, morbido e pieno di bollicine in superficie. Versatelo in una spianatoia molto infarinata, aiutandovi con una spatola di plastica. Date 2 giri di pieghe di primo tipo .
Ponete con la chiusura verso il basso in una ciotola rotonda coperta da un panno molto infarinato. Spolverate di farina la superficie dell'impasto (preferibilmente rimacino o semola). Fate lievitare a temperatura ambiente per 1 ora e 30 minuti.
Accendete il forno e preriscaldatelo per 30 minuti, precedenti the end of rising time. Pour the yeast dough again on floured surface with a metal spatula silhouetted in 4 segments. Extend each segment gently with your hands, pulling it slightly. You will see that due to the softness of the pasta dough will tend to stretch only (I have not done this, but I kept the four segments as they were). Place baguette in each segment-floured baking pan. Bake at 240 ° C with ice in the bottom plate for 50 minutes. Finish cooking with the draft open.

channel update: Just to confirm that the baking I do not understand anything, I was a "Stick" by Valentina This I have done it without the bread dough, No - knead bread, American recipe. The Pain au levain , French recipe, however, is different. You can find more in his blog .
excuse the ignorance and inaccuracy

participate in the contest of Little desserts

Buon Appetito! Stefania


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