The week has ended badly and is open worse. During the umpteenth attack in Afghanistan has fallen another Italian, the 36 year-old lieutenant of the Alpine Massimo Ranzani and four were wounded. It seems that the B. it remained extremely upset and asked whether it is emphatically worth star "there" , but his pugnacious minister La Russa has immediately retorts: "Never considered a unilateral withdrawal" . But that joke? We are "there" to export democracy, no?
But Frattini had said that the company was impossible? Ah, yes, but he was referring to the friend Gaddafi Libya, which, however, in the space of a couple of days, he became a bitter enemy. Vai international strategies to understand ...
remember that the mission of "peace" cost us more than 400 million diverted from public services, health, education. Here, the school since 2008, the National Education has been seriously affected by cuts to € 8 billion, teachers and students find themselves operating in dilapidated classrooms, lack of laboratories and facilities, disrupted classes and increasingly unmanageable due to the ongoing consolidations.
Sunday the "premier" spoke before an enthusiastic audience of "Christian (?) Reformists (??)" . Among them were many prominent monsignor.
has run impancato coryphaeus to the integrity of the Holy Family Straight, assuring that "never" "his" government will allow quegl'immorali sinners homosexuals and single to take innocent children. Then, supported by cheers and a climax of frenzy respectable-Catholicism, massacred with inflammation (and mediocre: the lexicon of B-class has always been "traveling salesman") words and public school teachers. In words, because the facts leaves them to his ministry. And that fact.
I will just publish, in response to utterances Berlusconi, the letter from Mr Fontanelli Monica, which is spreading widely on the web. The emphasis are mine.
Mr Berlusconi,
are public school teacher. I try to convey to my students that the values \u200b\u200binherent in a democratic civil society. Solidarity, understanding, tolerance, freedom of thought. I try to be citizens and not subjects , I try to develop in students the critical skills, the ability to interpret what happens, the world in which they live. The state school, public school is the school of all, is the democratic school where there is a c OMPARISON and right now the bank is the anti-democratic tendencies which she seems to aim. The design of the Government and the His Minister of Education is clear, the reform laws that have voted increasingly seek to disqualify the public school, not to guarantee the constitutional right to a quality school guaranteed to all and for all. I am proud to teach in state schools, I am proud to be able to transmit those values \u200b\u200bthat are written in our Constitution, born of the Resistance and the anti-fascist culture . It 'obvious that far removed from what' that you represent. I teach the importance of consistency, dignity, sincerity, commitment as a necessary condition for achieving the objectives that each of us stands. I will continue to do so, Mr. President, always with a commitment to and awareness that the only way we can stop us as teachers to train your design conscious subjects and not citizens.
Have a jolt of dignity and not be just you, to talk about "values" family.
respect the work of those who for just over a thousand euro a month, goes to great lengths to provide the youth of this country's culture, dignity, awareness and honesty .
The greeting in the hope of having the most 'soon a new prime minister who can be taken as an example of young people, a prime minister who is the laughingstock of the world, and provide a cultural renaissance in the country, dopo lo scempio fatto in questi anni.

A lato: Iris Berardi , una delle frequentatrici delle "notti di Arcore" assieme alla consigliera comunale milanese Nicole Minetti e a molte altre giovanissime donne. Questo video , che non riproduco direttamente per rispetto innanzi tutto di me stessa, ne testimonia le gesta. Spetterebbe forse a costoro "inculcare" messaggi formativi ai ragazzi italiani?
Apprendiamo dal vescovo ciellino Luigi Negri (intervista a "La Stampa" yesterday) that However, the private behavior of a person can not be brought to justice. Certainly not by the Church, always willing to mercy. Actually, in all these decades, we seemed to have judged, and a little mica. But, of course, the rebukes are only valid for us sinners common. So on with B. In keeping with the Vatican hierarchy that even after the recent scandals have thought unspeakable to distance themselves from this government. The real danger - the second high priest - are unmarried couples, relativism, secular, etc..: "In two and a half years [both missing the end of term, nda] Catholics may affect more about political and social life, for example, against the records of the municipal unions and yes to the abortion pill RU486: show us the public morality of the secular and anti-Catholic mentality that characterizes the ideological and political elites who claim to dominate [inculcate?] the country ". It 'been very clear, Mgr. Negri. And we will remember, this Church, which once again has sided on the wrong side, which makes it always has prevented a revolution, moral, cultural, political and yes, religion - in this country. We just want to remind the heartfelt appeal against rape policy by a group of Christians outraged and the second letter, We too have a dream prepared by the Youth Center Antonianum . Please read and sign. But I also invite you not to forget the conspiracies of the Vatican hierarchy, which, however, has lost its shine at the international level. I do not belong to the ranks of supporters of Wojtyla, who indeed feel responsible clerical-reactionary involution of the Church now in place. But I can not deny his repeated calls for peace and self-determination of peoples. Faced with the momentous changes that are shaking Africa and Asia, his voice would be heard, loud and authoritative. Currently, with rare exceptions, the Vatican is committed exclusively to support B erlusconi.
I would stop here. But we expect at least two other important meetings. Today, in many Italian cities (Milan, in Piazza Duca d'Aosta at 18) is celebrated on No Racism Day, this year dedicated to the memory of Noureddine Adnane, the hapless salesman who sacrificed himself, indifference forces of 'order', a few days ago in Palermo, after suffering yet another abuse of power. Mohammed Bouaziz of a home which, however, has raised only the piety of the good. In a country where old, tired, sterile and indifferent.
Also in silence and indifference you are making, then, privatization of public water. Invite you to subscribe to the cry of alarm The water is not sold, although we Italians like it so much, to be subjects.
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