Project: Poncho with sleeves of Nunzia, page faccialibro ND-Knitandsoon

- 1 kg of wool
- No. 8 irons
- Crochet No. 5 ½
Points used:
- straight
knit - stitch
- point shrimp
Working Voltage:
10 stitches = 10 rows = 9.5 cm 7.5 cm

With needles # 8 start 66 mesh and work as follows: 20 mesh knit, a stitch 12 stitches, knit to 2 sts, work 12 stitches, 20 mesh knit. Working 60 irons, which equals 6 reasons for the stitch. From 61 °
divide the work in half (33 for the front mesh, 33 mesh for the back) and continue the 10 other irons separately.

working 70 rows of 7 reasons to start the decreases on the first 33 shirts. The reductions should be made only on the knitting stitch. Inside the mesh stitch decrease 1 every 2 rows 4 times, 2 sts every 2 rows 6 times and a link for every 2 rows 4 times. At the same time at the 5th and 10th iron iron iron stitch work always stretched (stop work on straight knit stitch and work only on an iron forward and one back, wrought iron these two continue to work on all mesh). In correspondence with the elongated rods decreases must not be made.

After all the reductions are due to hold a view on the iron mesh of only 12 + 1 knit stitch edge of the neck. Close
13 meshes in a single time.
Working in a symmetrical manner on another 33 stitches.
Left side: It
works as said by the right side.
relieve the right side and left side. Finish the neckline and all edged up shrimp. With 5 ½
crochet start a chain length of 170 cm. Make 4.
Fitting as shown in the photos.
Good job,
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