how far we have, from ' 8 March 1 908 rightly defined by a prominent national newspaper, "the last burning of women" and that Rosa Luxemburg established that the applicant may 900 of the most significant (and the years to come). The last fire, as many now know, took place in a textile factory where 129 workers died. They asked "simply" to improve their working conditions, demanding, in short, everything. Too.
Some consider this imaginative reconstruction, and trace the "real" women's day event at the Russian women on 8 March 1917 (February 23 to the Julian calendar then in force) against the war. But we are equally attractive sources commonly accepted. That day in the factory, in fact, rejoined a distant past and burial dynamic capitalism of today. Both share the exploitation of women and thus humanity. The old witch wanted pyre nipped in the bud the unruly of all time. And in all latitudes, because most of those workers were immigrants, including Italian, although now that we have removed our past of hunger, suffering and shame. Arises, therefore, two parallels: the first, with the female awakening taking place in African and Asian countries; il secondo, con la drammatica situazione in cui attualmente versa la classe lavoratrice. Donne, immigrate, operaie: in altri termini, l' 8 marzo non è un'invenzione di strambe radical-chic dallo stomaco sazio , come millantano impudicamente certi/e fanfaroni/e della destra chiassona, ma una ricorrenza di popolo, oserei dire di classe ; ne era cosciente lo stesso Carlo Marx, secondo cui non si sarebbe verificato alcun successo duraturo e completo del proletariato senza un miglioramento sociale e politico della condizione femminile.
Trailer di We want sex , il fortunato film inglese della scorsa stagione che ripropone, con impegno e ironia, le lotte femminili del 1968 per la parità salariale .
Per questo oggi, in tutte le piazze d'Italia, "daremo i numeri" . "Non si tratta solo di rivendicare libertà e dignità - scrivono le promotrici di Se non ora, quando? e artefici delle manifestazioni odierne, cui parteciperanno anche gli umanisti - ma soprattutto di affermare l'intelligenza e il sapere delle donne come essenziali per la democracy and development of our country ".
Right: one of many moments of Women in blue jeans , humanist party held in Milan on 5 March.
A Milan the appointment is for 18 hours in Merchants Square, where, with banners and signs, explaining that women are 60% of graduates but only 46% of those who work. 42% of magistrates, 32% physicians, 39% of lawyers, il 30% degli imprenditori ma guadagnano il 9% in meno degli uomini a parità di lavoro. Che lavorano più degli uomini tra professione e lavoro di cura, ma i loro contratti sono a part-time e a tempo determinato più di quelli degli uomini. Che, in Italia, la spesa per le politiche sociali e familiari rappresenta l'1.3% del PIL, meno della metà della media europea, mentre le donne svolgono il 77% del lavoro domestico; che solo il 20% delle donne è presente in Parlamento (tra le ultime in Europa); e molto altro ancora [per info e adesioni: milano13febbraio@gmail.com ] .
Portraits of illustrious women of the Risorgimento and the Resistance to the premises of the former ice house, in Bresso (Milan), during the exhibition The emotions of women Gio.Co.Re prepared by the association.
Well, not everyone can be a woman, as she exclaimed, Irina, European immigrant town in Italy, but it is, well, a ' "unspeakable luck," echoed Luisa Muraro, who has borrowed by Irina own the title of his new essay, supplementing it. Exclusion from institutional history has reinforced our courage, our diversity and confirmed cemented his fascination for the beauty, diversity, reciprocity: women are not afraid of the future, they see an enemy in the other, why not consider the undeniable Absolute . It 'is time, therefore, to enter fully and permanently in that history, to shape it and reinvent it, according to the canons of a huge clear, rational imagination.
The latest single Carmen Consoli sarcastically denounces the new consumerism of the Italian woman.
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