Sunday, March 6, 2011

Grain Alcohol Buy In Cali

Luckily carnival comes once. I will have 40 days to detox from all that fried (safe?) ... I tried the recipe for a long time these pancakes. Differ from those of my mother because the inside is empty, perfetto per essere farcite con crema pasticcera. La ricetta è di Morena , non ho cambiato una virgola. Ve la riporto qui per comodità. Ad una parte di impasto ho aggiunto un pò di uvetta. Per la crema pasticcera, invece, ho seguito la mia ricetta.

Per le frittelle (circa 40 pezzi):
165 gr di acqua
100 gr di farina (70gr manitoba e 30gr 00)
16 gr di Maizena
35 gr di burro
2 gr di sale
2 uova + 1 albume
30 gr di Zucchero
Olio di Arachidi per friggere

Per la crema pasticcera :
500 ml latte
60 gr farina 00
75 gr zucchero
4 tuorli

Prepare pastry cream: Bring milk to a boil. Meanwhile, mix the egg yolks with sugar, flour and vanilla bean pulp. Pour the boiling milk on this mixture and then set on fire, making thicken the cream for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Transfer to a bowl, cover with plastic in contact and allow to cool completely before transferring to refrigerator.

Prepare the pancakes: Put on the fire water, butter and salt. When it boils well remove from heat, add the sifted flour in one fell swoop and stir well, cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly, just as is done for the cupcakes. Now add the eggs and egg whites one at a time, remember to mix well between one and another. Finally, add the sugar. This explanation is fine using the spiral blade of the blender or the K of the dough. Fry in hot oil, to get better I put the mixture into the pastry bag, and when I push out of approximately 1 cm cut with a knife, so it is faster and are regular. I (Stephanie) I used the old technique of double-spoon: I formed into balls with a teaspoon of oil and grease, with the help of the spoon, I dipped in oil. Pay attention to: the oil must not be too hot, otherwise you will not burn and swell ... but you already know!). Drain and when saranno un pò fredde riempitele con la crema. Cospargetele infine di zucchero a velo!!!!!

Adesso vi regalo qualche foto di un narciso, la prima piantina che ricevo in dono che abbia deciso di non soccombere alle mie cure

Buon Appetito!


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