Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Arden Splendor Perfume Like

recipe next door

Today is March 8. Well, we talk about women. By now you know. Around the web you can find anything. They are women (and men, of course), he could quote very many, who daily share their boundless passion for cooking, their recipes, their advice, their history. They share everything with a world appassioanti to like them, curious readers, of amateurs. With a virtual world, yet real. The passion, like art, is a sacred fire. Nothing else could explain the time and dedication with which these women (and men) we are dedicated to the stove first and then keyboard.

Then there are women "famous" (from memory I can think of at least two) who found a job in the kitchen profitable. Only that sometimes happen to discover that the recipes are not that advertise their flour sack. They were secretly taken by a blog or another . Because if you post a recipe on the Internet, make it available to everyone, even those who decide of using them for personal gain, without worrying about having to ask "Can I?" or having to cite properly the source.

And then there are women (in this case a delicious Canterina Housewife), which, in common only among foodblogger generosity, decided to donate their recipes from the heart. And there are also a contest . Why a recipe, whether it is good, must be shared. Must be able to live in the kitchens of others. It may be given. Heart to heart. (Note: donated, not stolen!).

now you know ... the world is great as it is diverse. But we are sure that it is really so beautiful?

You may have noticed that already ieri le mie foto sono "firmate". E' con grande amarezza che lo faccio. Ho sempre volutamente lasciato "libere" le mie foto, ma a quanto pare ultimamente c'è un piglia piglia generale. Certo, non posso bloccare la mano lunga che oltre alla foto ruba la ricetta e la spaccia per propria...ma almeno metto in salvo le immagini scattate da me

Se siete interessati ad una delle ricette di Elisa, passate da lei . Ve le regalerà volentieri. Basta chiedere.

Ecco quella che lei ha donato a me. Vi riporto la mail così come I wrote it, why and how delicious her:

We need:
125 grams of rice flour
180 grams of sugar 4 eggs

100 grams of butter 50 grams, 50 grams of hazelnuts

So .... Let's start with hazelnuts and almonds. Purposes must be finely chopped. Wishing you could directly use the almond flour and the nuts, but I think it is better to hear the pieces, to small.
Mix the two grains with flour and add a couple tablespoons of sugar.
While I beat the eggs with the remaining sugar, you can turn on the oven to 180 degrees and melt the butter in a saucepan and add the mix of flour.
We combine well the eggs with sugar. Mix well and pour the mixture into a baking dish ... We use this here, which borders beautiful high. Here .... Greased, floured e. .. her going in the oven! Until is cooked. We chat for a quiet half hour, then start doing the firing tests with the toothpick!

I've served with vanilla sauce that I liked so much yesterday!

Buon Appetito! Stefania


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