Progetto: Lancillotto's Neck di Letizia

TAGLIA: donna adulta
OCCORRENTE:100 gr, 175 mt ca di "Oropa, 100% Pure New Wool; circular needles nr. 5 with 40 cm cable.
SAMPLE: 10x10 cm knitted shaven with no shoes. 5 are equal to 18 m. and 24 f.
knit, working with the right to work round all the stitches
b. Fantasy point, working on four irons that are repeated as necessary at intervals of 8 m
jets: a cast
ppl: dim. tilted to the left. (Stepper works)
ass dir 2: dim. tilted to the right (working dir 2. together)
dir: right
rov: reverse
MP: 132 Start brand points
m. and work plan in two stitches (tie), then combine work and go in circles.
TOUR 1: 2 but dir, * 1 jet, say 2 m, 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, say 4 m *, repeat from * to * ending with two m dir.
LAP 2: work all but dir.
TOUR 3: 1m to say, * 1 jet, 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, say 4 m * repeat from * to * ending with 3 m dir.
TOUR 4: work all but dir.
TOUR 5: How the LAP 1 LAP
6: * 2 dir. together 10 straight m *, repeat from * to * until the end of the tour (d. 121)
TOUR 7: Repeat the 3
TOUR TOUR 8: * 2 with dir, dir 9 m *, repeat from * to * up at the end of the tour. (D. 110)
TOUR 9: Repeat the GIRO 1
GIRO 10: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO 11: ripetere il GIRO 3
GIRO 12: *2 dir assieme, 8 m dir*, ripetere da * a *fino alla fine del ferro (m. 99)
GIRO 13: ripetere il GIRO 1
GIRO 14: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO 15: ripetere il GIRO 3
GIRO 16: lav tutte le m a dir.
Proseguire il lavoro a maglia rasata per altri 6 giri.
GIRO SEGUENTE: * 8 m. dir. e 2 ins. dir.*, ripetere da * a * 9 volte terminando il giro con 9 m dir. (m. 90)
Proseguire il lavoro a maglia rasata, alternando i due giri seguenti:
GIRO A: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO B: 22 m a dir, inserire MP e voltare, lav. 44 m a rov, inserire MP e voltare, lav 22 m a dir.
Repeat rounds A and B to the rear (the highest) is about 39 cm from the beginning of work (sub-board.)
reiterate the imagination to the edge support., As follows: ROUND 1
: * 1 m. to say the least., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 yarn over *, repeat from * to * 10 times
ROUND 2: work all but dir.
TOUR 3: * 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, 1m dir *. repeat from * to * 10 times
TOUR 4: work all but dir.
Repeat 1 times the previous 4 rounds (1 to 4).
TOUR 5: * 4 but rov, rov all but 2, 4 but rov * repeat from * to * until the end of the iron
TOUR 6: work all but rov
Chiudere il lavoro lavorando le m a rov.

Buon lavoro! Letizia
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