Project: Scarf with beads of Astrea, blogs KNotes
Material: Wool
irons No. 3.5 - 4 - 4.5
Dimensions (after blocking): length cm. 158 - width 30 cm
Standard: 18 mesh x 20 rows = 10 cm x 10 cm (irons # 4, point diamonds alternating)
Points used:
1. smocking (revised)
working on a number of links multiple of 6 + 1
1 ° row: (wrong side of work) 1 m. dir., * 2 m. rov., 1 m.dir., 2 m. rov., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of the iron
2 nd iron (labor law) 1 m. rov., * 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of iron
3 rd iron as iron on 1, 4 °
iron as the 2nd iron iron
5 °: 1, as the iron
6 ° row: 1 m rov., * put 5 m. pending on an iron before the auxiliary work, wrap the wire clockwise around 5 m. suspended twice, replace the 5 m. iron work on the left and 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of iron
7 th - 9 th - 11 th iron as the 1st iron
8 ° - 10 ° iron as the 2nd iron
12 ° Iron: 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., * put 5 m. pending on an iron before the auxiliary work, wrap the wire clockwise around 5 m. suspended twice, replace the 5 m. iron work on the left and 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until last 3 m., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov.;
Repeat from 1 to 12 iron to the desired length.

working on a number of links multiple of 12 +1
1, iron (labor law) 1 m. dir., * 1 jet., 3 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of iron;
2 ° row: 2 m. rov., 9 m. dir., * 3 m. rov., 9 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 2 sts, 2 m.rov.;
3 ° row: 2 m. dir., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir., 1 jet., * 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 2 m., 2 m. dir.;
4 ° row: 3 m. rov., 7 m. dir., * 5 m. rov., 7 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 3 m., 3 m.rov.;
5 ° row: 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir., 1 jet., * 5 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir., 1 jet., rip. by * Until the last 3 m., 3 m. dir.;
6 ° row: 4 m. rov., 5 m. dir., * 7 m. rov., 5 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 4 m., 4 m.rov.;
7 ° row: 4 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., * 7 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 4 m., 4 m. dir.;
8 ° row: 5 m. rov., 3 m. dir., * 9 m. rov., 3 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 5 meters, 5 m.rov.;
9 ° row: 5 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. room, 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., * 9 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. room, 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 5 m., 5 m. dir.;
10 ° row: 6 m. rov., 1 m. dir., *11 m. rov., 1 m.dir., rip. da * sino alle ultime 6 m., 6 m.rov.;
11° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 3 m. dir.,1 gett., 1 m. dir., 1 gett., 3 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
12° ferro: come l'8° ferro;
13° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir.,1 gett., 3 m. dir., 1 gett., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
14° ferro: come il 6° ferro;
15° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir.,1 gett., 5 m. dir., 1 gett., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
16° ferro: come il 4° iron iron
17 °: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., 7 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of the iron 18 °
iron as the 2nd iron
19 ° row: 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., 9 m. dir., * 1 jet., 1 acc. double, 1 jet., 9 m. dir., rip. from * until the last 2 sts, 1 jet., 1 acc. simp.;
20 ° row: 1 m rov., 11 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of the iron.
Repeat from 1 to 20 ° row for desired length.
-acc. simp. (Overlapped simple): Go right to a jersey, knitting and cross right next to the jersey knit went on, using the left needle;
-acc. double (double straddle): pass a law to vest, work the following two links to the right and cross the pass on the jersey mesh obtained with the help of the left needle;
-two m. ins. dir.: two links to work together with law;
project. (Cast) cast iron on the wire right before working a shirt.
Running (half scarf)
The model set consists of two identical halves worked separately and together, at the end, at the center of the scarf .. Alternatively you can work the scarf repeating a single piece at the end of the initial processing.
Half scarf: Start
57 mesh on 2 needles n. 3.5 superimposed using the yarn double;
Delete an iron and the irons n.4.5 start working the scarf to the following diagram.
1. The first and the last 4 shirts, work in garter stitch, are the edges of scarf;
2. To have a finish side chain always suggest to switch to the 1st shirt inside out (no work);
3. On the 49 central links you are working with smocking amended;
4. The beads are placed at the locations shown in the diagram working the stitches after having passed the beads (see technical notes) or, more simply cucendole after work.
After working 19 to iron, start with the irons n.4 alternating diamond processing, to the desired length (note: the 10th to finish with iron).
leaving open the second half of the scarf and work with the same procedure.
Combine the two halves of the scarf with the technique of grafting, or by closing the loops by the method of the 3rd iron (see technical notes).
Alternatively, work the scarf in one piece.
Technical Notes:
Insertion beads in the mesh:
Insert a very fine needle with normal sewing thread (an alternative to the line by fishermen),
pass the needle through the hole of the bead (from right to left), pass the needle through the
mesh on which the bead must be inserted,
again put the bead with the needle but in the opposite direction (from left to right),
slide the wire through the bead twice that formed between the bead and mesh,
pull the wire so that the wool passes through the hole of the bead, the bead
inserted in the mesh, pull the thread sewing and knitting work normally.
closure mesh with the 3rd iron
Put the apertures of the two parties must be united on two separate rows,
keep the two parallel rows so that the two labor rights are against each other,
third place in the iron mesh of the first two rows parallel work together to right,
* work together to right the following links to each of the two parallel rows,
using the iron cross on the left produced the first link on the second obtained
repeat from * until you run out of the meshes of the two irons.
Good job! Astrea
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