Project: Irish Stock Exchange rose by Anna, creating blogs Spinning

For this bag I used a decoration, at the same time, versatile and romantic: the rose of Ireland.
I made this my project inspired by a pattern, crochet flowers found in Gina Cristanini Strabello and Wilma.
The scheme in question was modified according to my needs.
NEED: 50g white acrylic wool, some cotton g No 5 lilac, crochet No 3 and 4, tissue di raso e un bottone automatico.
PUNTI IMPIEGATI: catenella (cat.), mezzo punto basso (m.p.b.), punto basso (p.b.), mezzo punto alto (m.p.a.), punto alto (p.a.).
con la lana e il crochet n. 4 eseguite un anello magico.
1° giro: nell’ anello magico eseguite 1 cat. e 6 p. b. chiudete il giro con un m.p.b. nella 1° cat.
2° giro: puntate il crochet sul retro del 1° p.b. (= vivagno) del giro precedente e fate 2 cat. (= 1 m.p.a.) 3 cat. vol. saltate un p.b. sottostante e, puntando il crochet sotto il vivagno del 3° p.b. del giro precedente, eseguite 1 m.p.a.; ripetete per altre 5 volte e chiudete il giro con 1 m.p.b. Risulteranno 6 archetti.
3rd round: in each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 3 pa,, 1 bp; close the MPB will be around with a six petals.
lap 4: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of 2 MPa and then third on lap cat. (= 1 pa) 4 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, mpa under the verge of the second lap and 4 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
5 lap: in each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 5 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a mpb
lap 6: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 4th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 5 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 AR under the verge of pa of lap 4 and 5 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 7: Each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 7 pa, 1 bp; close the round with a lap mpb
8: Point to the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 6th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 6 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the sixth lap and 6 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 9: Each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 9 pa, 1 bp; close the round with a 10 lap mpb
: Point to the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 8th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 7 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the eighth lap and 7 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
11 laps: each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 11 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a mpb
lap 12: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 10th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 8 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the 10 laps and 8 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 13: in each bow work: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 13 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a two mpb
Work identical flowers.
FINISHES: with lilac cotton crochet and No 3, each petal embroidered chain stitch all the laps.
overlaying the two flowers, wrong sides together, and joined together four of the six petals with pb lilac cotton. The two petals left open will be the opening of the bag.
For the strap: whip around 150 chains and work in a pb, one side embroidered chain stitch with the lilac cotton, and finally sewing the ends to the points hidden inner sides of the bag. Finally
lined interior with satin fabric and apply a snap opening.
(I do not give indications of the extent of the cloth, because it depends on grandezza dei fiori ricavati. Infatti la grandezza del fiore può variare, dal momento che ognuna di noi lavora in modo diverso e può scegliere di lavorare con filati e crochet diversi).

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