Given the great success of last year's contest Hobbydonna and calendar that came out this year revive him but have joined forces with the Lumina editions and Skillfully Fair in addition to the calendar will also create an agenda that will offer no less than 2 projects per month. If the math does not leave me 12 + 24 = 36 projects to be selected!
These shots I made them at the fair booth Hobbydonna Cleverly, show the calendar in all its beauty
The contest is called protagonists of Creativity ( found here the notice of the competition ). In short, everything is to create its own object and describe its implementation step by step and maybe take some pictures of the most important steps. There are 15 different categories where you can indulge and you can submit up to 15 projects: you can choose up to 5 categories / techniques and submitted for each technical option 3 projects.
Here are the techniques you can use , there really is everything!
- Costume (they are open to all techniques and materials)
- Painting Country (Country and Decorative Painting)
- Creative Sewing (clothing, accessories, bags, equipment for the home)
- Decoupage (classic, painting, 3D, etc ...)
- Felt (Felt Needle Felt Felt in water and sheets)
- Home Decor (home decoration and accessories, stencil).
- (mesh, knitting)
- Miniatures (tiles, houses, etc.).
- Mosaic
- polymer clay and modeling
- Patchwork (patchwork, applique, quilting, boutis)
- Embroidered (traditional embroidery techniques with all and cross-stitch)
- Creative Recycling (restoration of furniture and home accessories, recycling and processing all types of materials and yarns, altered art)
- Scrapbooking (scrapbooking, stamping)
- Crochet (crochet, filet, mounts, butterfly loom, fork)
You have until May 15 to send the photos
Prizes? are rich! In addition to advertising on the site of Hobbydonna, the publication of its projects on schedule and agenda and display their creations at the fair Skill autumn 2011 edition are:
- + 1 free ticket for a reduction in the fair
- 3 calendars and diaries
3 - materials made available to the sponsor (Gutermann, Opitec, Printing)
- 1-year subscription to a revised edition of Lumina and a book by the same publisher
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Liquid In Cuticle Of Finger
HobbyDonna new competition! Place
And after all this you are willing to participate?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How Do You Make A Squash Racket
Barley rusks with yeast
The original recipe is from the book Sourdough . I got them both with and without barley, but here it is the complete procedure.
For about 40 slices : 0
470gr of flour 115 grams of water
115 grams of fresh whole milk 150 grams of sourdough
cooled the night before
75 grams of sugar (I 50)
5 g salt
7 grams of barley malt (honey I)
28 grams of olive oil 3 tablespoons ev
Put the dough in a large bowl, add water and warm milk and dissolve the yeast. In order to add the malt (honey I), flour, sugar, and salt and mix. Finally, add the oil emulsified with 2 tablespoons of milk taken from the total and mix again. Go on a work surface and work the dough slightly before it has taken shape, take 1 / 3 to add the barley soluble.
Working separately, two for 10-15 minutes until dough are smooth and homogeneous. Form two balls, cover with plastic wrap and let rise 3 hours. Then deflate the dough to obtain a rectangle and proceed with a series of folds of the first kind.
Let stand for one hour, then take the white mixture and spread in a rectangle of 30x45-50 cm, then take the barley and spread in a rectangle of 28x45-50. Overlap with the rectangle on the white barley, rolling along from the side. With the spatula, divide the roll in half and lay on the two buttered molds. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise 4-5 hours (be careful, the dough is hard to inflate, it may also serve a little more time). Before baking brush with beaten egg yolk with milk.
Bake in oven at 160 degrees for 40 minutes. Leave to cool the two loaves on a wire rack for at least 12 hours, then cut into thick slices di massimo 1 cm. Sistemare le fette sulle teglie e infornare a 140° per circa 30 minuti o comunque finchè siano bene asciutte da entrambi i lati. Una volta fredde, conservare in una scatola di latta.
Bon Appetit! Stefania
Ci sono alimenti che siamo abituati ad acquistare al supermercato e a consumare senza neanche renderci conto che potremmo farceli in casa, con un bel risparmio in termini economici, calorici e di salute. Non mi riferisco solo al pane, alle marmellate, alla maionese, al dado, ai sofficini, ai vari sughi e alle conserve in genere.
Qualche giorno fa, grazie ad una amica conosciuta al corso di cucina e panificazione di Adriano e Paoletta (c'è davvero bisogno che vi metta il link ai loro blog?), ho scoperto quanto è facile fare delle ottime fette biscottate, much better (as often happens) to the commercial ones.
The original recipe is from the book Sourdough . I got them both with and without barley, but here it is the complete procedure.
For about 40 slices : 0
470gr of flour 115 grams of water
115 grams of fresh whole milk 150 grams of sourdough
cooled the night before
75 grams of sugar (I 50)
5 g salt
7 grams of barley malt (honey I)
28 grams of olive oil 3 tablespoons ev
barley soluble
1 egg and 3 tablespoons milk for brushing
Working separately, two for 10-15 minutes until dough are smooth and homogeneous. Form two balls, cover with plastic wrap and let rise 3 hours. Then deflate the dough to obtain a rectangle and proceed with a series of folds of the first kind.
Let stand for one hour, then take the white mixture and spread in a rectangle of 30x45-50 cm, then take the barley and spread in a rectangle of 28x45-50. Overlap with the rectangle on the white barley, rolling along from the side. With the spatula, divide the roll in half and lay on the two buttered molds. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise 4-5 hours (be careful, the dough is hard to inflate, it may also serve a little more time). Before baking brush with beaten egg yolk with milk.
Bake in oven at 160 degrees for 40 minutes. Leave to cool the two loaves on a wire rack for at least 12 hours, then cut into thick slices di massimo 1 cm. Sistemare le fette sulle teglie e infornare a 140° per circa 30 minuti o comunque finchè siano bene asciutte da entrambi i lati. Una volta fredde, conservare in una scatola di latta.
Fate attenzione alla fase della biscottatura. Tenete sotto controllo il vostro forno e regolatevi. Io le ho lasciate 30 minuti a 120° ventilato, senza farle scurire troppo perchè io le preferisco così. Il tempo esatto dipende dallo spessore delle fette, dal vostro forno e dal vostro gusto.
Io le ho spalmate di burro (prima o poi mi cimenterò nella realizzazione casalinga) e Fiordifrutta alla ciliegia Rigoni di Asiago . Eccole nella versione "Without barley"
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Archery Laws In Ontario
herringbone stitch
I recovered the post because it was done in the vortex of the competition ...
time ago I found this nice point in two anglophone blog and there have been many requests for a translation into Italian. While I was filming and I'm done I created a small video where you can easily see how to do this. From what I saw is something that is better if you work slow and the end result is a bit 'close to work than the usual number of links to law. Can help a lot also use the rods with size slightly larger than those recommended by the yarn. You just have to do many tests and see what the highest satisfaction!
The mesh is normally mounted from the first lap and then you start working the plug point.
Law: Take 2 meshes with the reverse side of the work, usually with straight stitch the stitches are taken from the front side instead of from behind. This work links the two as if you were a decrease in the mesh and then when you slide them off the left needle is left on an iron. Then you take another 2 shirts, one that had already been processed and a new, processed mesh the two together and again the second link is on the left needle. And so for all the iron. Arriving at the end, working the last two links and leave the iron on the last, working individually taking it inside out like the others. If you do not you are working around the meshes decrease around.
Reversal: It brings the right needle over the wire, take two mesh together like a normal back and work. As was done for the right one link is left on the left needle and the other is the parade. They take other 2 meshes, one is the one that has already been processed and the other is new ... and so for all the iron, making sure to work well the last link as explained above
I recovered the post because it was done in the vortex of the competition ...
time ago I found this nice point in two anglophone blog and there have been many requests for a translation into Italian. While I was filming and I'm done I created a small video where you can easily see how to do this. From what I saw is something that is better if you work slow and the end result is a bit 'close to work than the usual number of links to law. Can help a lot also use the rods with size slightly larger than those recommended by the yarn. You just have to do many tests and see what the highest satisfaction!

The mesh is normally mounted from the first lap and then you start working the plug point.
Law: Take 2 meshes with the reverse side of the work, usually with straight stitch the stitches are taken from the front side instead of from behind. This work links the two as if you were a decrease in the mesh and then when you slide them off the left needle is left on an iron. Then you take another 2 shirts, one that had already been processed and a new, processed mesh the two together and again the second link is on the left needle. And so for all the iron. Arriving at the end, working the last two links and leave the iron on the last, working individually taking it inside out like the others. If you do not you are working around the meshes decrease around.
Reversal: It brings the right needle over the wire, take two mesh together like a normal back and work. As was done for the right one link is left on the left needle and the other is the parade. They take other 2 meshes, one is the one that has already been processed and the other is new ... and so for all the iron, making sure to work well the last link as explained above
Arden Splendor Perfume Like
recipe next door
180 grams of sugar 4 eggs
100 grams of butter 50 grams, 50 grams of hazelnuts
So .... Let's start with hazelnuts and almonds. Purposes must be finely chopped. Wishing you could directly use the almond flour and the nuts, but I think it is better to hear the pieces, to small.
Mix the two grains with flour and add a couple tablespoons of sugar.
While I beat the eggs with the remaining sugar, you can turn on the oven to 180 degrees and melt the butter in a saucepan and add the mix of flour.
We combine well the eggs with sugar. Mix well and pour the mixture into a baking dish ... We use this here, which borders beautiful high. Here .... Greased, floured e. .. her going in the oven! Until is cooked. We chat for a quiet half hour, then start doing the firing tests with the toothpick!
I've served with vanilla sauce that I liked so much yesterday!
Today is March 8. Well, we talk about women. By now you know. Around the web you can find anything. They are women (and men, of course), he could quote very many, who daily share their boundless passion for cooking, their recipes, their advice, their history. They share everything with a world appassioanti to like them, curious readers, of amateurs. With a virtual world, yet real. The passion, like art, is a sacred fire. Nothing else could explain the time and dedication with which these women (and men) we are dedicated to the stove first and then keyboard.
Then there are women "famous" (from memory I can think of at least two) who found a job in the kitchen profitable. Only that sometimes happen to discover that the recipes are not that advertise their flour sack. They were secretly taken by a blog or another . Because if you post a recipe on the Internet, make it available to everyone, even those who decide of using them for personal gain, without worrying about having to ask "Can I?" or having to cite properly the source.
And then there are women (in this case a delicious Canterina Housewife), which, in common only among foodblogger generosity, decided to donate their recipes from the heart. And there are also a contest . Why a recipe, whether it is good, must be shared. Must be able to live in the kitchens of others. It may be given. Heart to heart. (Note: donated, not stolen!).
now you know ... the world is great as it is diverse. But we are sure that it is really so beautiful?
You may have noticed that already ieri le mie foto sono "firmate". E' con grande amarezza che lo faccio. Ho sempre volutamente lasciato "libere" le mie foto, ma a quanto pare ultimamente c'è un piglia piglia generale. Certo, non posso bloccare la mano lunga che oltre alla foto ruba la ricetta e la spaccia per almeno metto in salvo le immagini scattate da me
Se siete interessati ad una delle ricette di Elisa, passate da lei . Ve le regalerà volentieri. Basta chiedere.
Ecco quella che lei ha donato a me. Vi riporto la mail così come I wrote it, why and how delicious her:
We need:
125 grams of rice flour 180 grams of sugar 4 eggs
100 grams of butter 50 grams, 50 grams of hazelnuts
So .... Let's start with hazelnuts and almonds. Purposes must be finely chopped. Wishing you could directly use the almond flour and the nuts, but I think it is better to hear the pieces, to small.
Mix the two grains with flour and add a couple tablespoons of sugar.
While I beat the eggs with the remaining sugar, you can turn on the oven to 180 degrees and melt the butter in a saucepan and add the mix of flour.
We combine well the eggs with sugar. Mix well and pour the mixture into a baking dish ... We use this here, which borders beautiful high. Here .... Greased, floured e. .. her going in the oven! Until is cooked. We chat for a quiet half hour, then start doing the firing tests with the toothpick!
I've served with vanilla sauce that I liked so much yesterday!
Buon Appetito! Stefania
Transfer Files Shareaza
A rational imagination
how far we have, from ' 8 March 1 908 rightly defined by a prominent national newspaper, "the last burning of women" and that Rosa Luxemburg established that the applicant may 900 of the most significant (and the years to come). The last fire, as many now know, took place in a textile factory where 129 workers died. They asked "simply" to improve their working conditions, demanding, in short, everything. Too.
Some consider this imaginative reconstruction, and trace the "real" women's day event at the Russian women on 8 March 1917 (February 23 to the Julian calendar then in force) against the war. But we are equally attractive sources commonly accepted. That day in the factory, in fact, rejoined a distant past and burial dynamic capitalism of today. Both share the exploitation of women and thus humanity. The old witch wanted pyre nipped in the bud the unruly of all time. And in all latitudes, because most of those workers were immigrants, including Italian, although now that we have removed our past of hunger, suffering and shame. Arises, therefore, two parallels: the first, with the female awakening taking place in African and Asian countries; il secondo, con la drammatica situazione in cui attualmente versa la classe lavoratrice. Donne, immigrate, operaie: in altri termini, l' 8 marzo non è un'invenzione di strambe radical-chic dallo stomaco sazio , come millantano impudicamente certi/e fanfaroni/e della destra chiassona, ma una ricorrenza di popolo, oserei dire di classe ; ne era cosciente lo stesso Carlo Marx, secondo cui non si sarebbe verificato alcun successo duraturo e completo del proletariato senza un miglioramento sociale e politico della condizione femminile.
Trailer di We want sex , il fortunato film inglese della scorsa stagione che ripropone, con impegno e ironia, le lotte femminili del 1968 per la parità salariale .
Per questo oggi, in tutte le piazze d'Italia, "daremo i numeri" . "Non si tratta solo di rivendicare libertà e dignità - scrivono le promotrici di Se non ora, quando? e artefici delle manifestazioni odierne, cui parteciperanno anche gli umanisti - ma soprattutto di affermare l'intelligenza e il sapere delle donne come essenziali per la democracy and development of our country ".
Right: one of many moments of Women in blue jeans , humanist party held in Milan on 5 March.
A Milan the appointment is for 18 hours in Merchants Square, where, with banners and signs, explaining that women are 60% of graduates but only 46% of those who work. 42% of magistrates, 32% physicians, 39% of lawyers, il 30% degli imprenditori ma guadagnano il 9% in meno degli uomini a parità di lavoro. Che lavorano più degli uomini tra professione e lavoro di cura, ma i loro contratti sono a part-time e a tempo determinato più di quelli degli uomini. Che, in Italia, la spesa per le politiche sociali e familiari rappresenta l'1.3% del PIL, meno della metà della media europea, mentre le donne svolgono il 77% del lavoro domestico; che solo il 20% delle donne è presente in Parlamento (tra le ultime in Europa); e molto altro ancora [per info e adesioni: ] .

how far we have, from ' 8 March 1 908 rightly defined by a prominent national newspaper, "the last burning of women" and that Rosa Luxemburg established that the applicant may 900 of the most significant (and the years to come). The last fire, as many now know, took place in a textile factory where 129 workers died. They asked "simply" to improve their working conditions, demanding, in short, everything. Too.
Some consider this imaginative reconstruction, and trace the "real" women's day event at the Russian women on 8 March 1917 (February 23 to the Julian calendar then in force) against the war. But we are equally attractive sources commonly accepted. That day in the factory, in fact, rejoined a distant past and burial dynamic capitalism of today. Both share the exploitation of women and thus humanity. The old witch wanted pyre nipped in the bud the unruly of all time. And in all latitudes, because most of those workers were immigrants, including Italian, although now that we have removed our past of hunger, suffering and shame. Arises, therefore, two parallels: the first, with the female awakening taking place in African and Asian countries; il secondo, con la drammatica situazione in cui attualmente versa la classe lavoratrice. Donne, immigrate, operaie: in altri termini, l' 8 marzo non è un'invenzione di strambe radical-chic dallo stomaco sazio , come millantano impudicamente certi/e fanfaroni/e della destra chiassona, ma una ricorrenza di popolo, oserei dire di classe ; ne era cosciente lo stesso Carlo Marx, secondo cui non si sarebbe verificato alcun successo duraturo e completo del proletariato senza un miglioramento sociale e politico della condizione femminile.
Trailer di We want sex , il fortunato film inglese della scorsa stagione che ripropone, con impegno e ironia, le lotte femminili del 1968 per la parità salariale .
Per questo oggi, in tutte le piazze d'Italia, "daremo i numeri" . "Non si tratta solo di rivendicare libertà e dignità - scrivono le promotrici di Se non ora, quando? e artefici delle manifestazioni odierne, cui parteciperanno anche gli umanisti - ma soprattutto di affermare l'intelligenza e il sapere delle donne come essenziali per la democracy and development of our country ".
Right: one of many moments of Women in blue jeans , humanist party held in Milan on 5 March.
A Milan the appointment is for 18 hours in Merchants Square, where, with banners and signs, explaining that women are 60% of graduates but only 46% of those who work. 42% of magistrates, 32% physicians, 39% of lawyers, il 30% degli imprenditori ma guadagnano il 9% in meno degli uomini a parità di lavoro. Che lavorano più degli uomini tra professione e lavoro di cura, ma i loro contratti sono a part-time e a tempo determinato più di quelli degli uomini. Che, in Italia, la spesa per le politiche sociali e familiari rappresenta l'1.3% del PIL, meno della metà della media europea, mentre le donne svolgono il 77% del lavoro domestico; che solo il 20% delle donne è presente in Parlamento (tra le ultime in Europa); e molto altro ancora [per info e adesioni: ] .
Portraits of illustrious women of the Risorgimento and the Resistance to the premises of the former ice house, in Bresso (Milan), during the exhibition The emotions of women Gio.Co.Re prepared by the association.
Well, not everyone can be a woman, as she exclaimed, Irina, European immigrant town in Italy, but it is, well, a ' "unspeakable luck," echoed Luisa Muraro, who has borrowed by Irina own the title of his new essay, supplementing it. Exclusion from institutional history has reinforced our courage, our diversity and confirmed cemented his fascination for the beauty, diversity, reciprocity: women are not afraid of the future, they see an enemy in the other, why not consider the undeniable Absolute . It 'is time, therefore, to enter fully and permanently in that history, to shape it and reinvent it, according to the canons of a huge clear, rational imagination.
The latest single Carmen Consoli sarcastically denounces the new consumerism of the Italian woman.
Monday, March 7, 2011
What Could Be The Thesis Sentence On Abortion
plug ... Hurray! Rate it! Jersey Contest
Here we are! finally it is time to vote.
I was amazed by how many projects you have submitted as many as 84, I did not expect really.
The jury has already met to deliberate and soon I will know who won.
Now you have to vote on the project that you like most among all 84 who participated. I created a poll where I could enter for each project the image that represents it.
to rally the friends, family, blog readers ... the important thing is that everything does not become spammoso you send private messages to faccialibro to encourage voting and even whether you have received messages of this kind of elements that do not know well I know what it is not very the nice thing.
thank all those who participated by providing their plans, many thanks to Maio (very good illustrator, check out his site it deserves! ) who designed this beautiful logo that we hope for many more years accomagnerà
you voted, I am about to create the encyclopedia .... I think I will take a saccod the time. Gulp!

Here we are! finally it is time to vote.
I was amazed by how many projects you have submitted as many as 84, I did not expect really.
The jury has already met to deliberate and soon I will know who won.
Now you have to vote on the project that you like most among all 84 who participated. I created a poll where I could enter for each project the image that represents it.
to rally the friends, family, blog readers ... the important thing is that everything does not become spammoso you send private messages to faccialibro to encourage voting and even whether you have received messages of this kind of elements that do not know well I know what it is not very the nice thing.
thank all those who participated by providing their plans, many thanks to Maio (very good illustrator, check out his site it deserves! ) who designed this beautiful logo that we hope for many more years accomagnerà
you voted, I am about to create the encyclopedia .... I think I will take a saccod the time. Gulp!
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Competition Rules
In collaboration with
Competition Rules
In collaboration with
What Is The Best Resort In Punta Cana For Singles
all free! Poncho with sleeves Shirt Contest Nunzia
Project: Poncho with sleeves of Nunzia, page faccialibro ND-Knitandsoon
- 1 kg of wool
- No. 8 irons
- Crochet No. 5 ½
Points used:
- straight
knit - stitch
- point shrimp
Working Voltage:
10 stitches = 10 rows = 9.5 cm 7.5 cm
With needles # 8 start 66 mesh and work as follows: 20 mesh knit, a stitch 12 stitches, knit to 2 sts, work 12 stitches, 20 mesh knit. Working 60 irons, which equals 6 reasons for the stitch. From 61 °
divide the work in half (33 for the front mesh, 33 mesh for the back) and continue the 10 other irons separately.
working 70 rows of 7 reasons to start the decreases on the first 33 shirts. The reductions should be made only on the knitting stitch. Inside the mesh stitch decrease 1 every 2 rows 4 times, 2 sts every 2 rows 6 times and a link for every 2 rows 4 times. At the same time at the 5th and 10th iron iron iron stitch work always stretched (stop work on straight knit stitch and work only on an iron forward and one back, wrought iron these two continue to work on all mesh). In correspondence with the elongated rods decreases must not be made.
After all the reductions are due to hold a view on the iron mesh of only 12 + 1 knit stitch edge of the neck. Close
13 meshes in a single time.
Working in a symmetrical manner on another 33 stitches.
Left side: It
works as said by the right side.
relieve the right side and left side. Finish the neckline and all edged up shrimp. With 5 ½
crochet start a chain length of 170 cm. Make 4.
Fitting as shown in the photos.
Good job,
Project: Poncho with sleeves of Nunzia, page faccialibro ND-Knitandsoon

- 1 kg of wool
- No. 8 irons
- Crochet No. 5 ½
Points used:
- straight
knit - stitch
- point shrimp
Working Voltage:
10 stitches = 10 rows = 9.5 cm 7.5 cm

With needles # 8 start 66 mesh and work as follows: 20 mesh knit, a stitch 12 stitches, knit to 2 sts, work 12 stitches, 20 mesh knit. Working 60 irons, which equals 6 reasons for the stitch. From 61 °
divide the work in half (33 for the front mesh, 33 mesh for the back) and continue the 10 other irons separately.

working 70 rows of 7 reasons to start the decreases on the first 33 shirts. The reductions should be made only on the knitting stitch. Inside the mesh stitch decrease 1 every 2 rows 4 times, 2 sts every 2 rows 6 times and a link for every 2 rows 4 times. At the same time at the 5th and 10th iron iron iron stitch work always stretched (stop work on straight knit stitch and work only on an iron forward and one back, wrought iron these two continue to work on all mesh). In correspondence with the elongated rods decreases must not be made.

After all the reductions are due to hold a view on the iron mesh of only 12 + 1 knit stitch edge of the neck. Close
13 meshes in a single time.
Working in a symmetrical manner on another 33 stitches.
Left side: It
works as said by the right side.
relieve the right side and left side. Finish the neckline and all edged up shrimp. With 5 ½
crochet start a chain length of 170 cm. Make 4.
Fitting as shown in the photos.
Good job,
------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------
Competition Rules
In collaboration with
Competition Rules
In collaboration with
National Cheerleadin Asociating Jaket
all free! Scarf with beads of Astrea
Project: Scarf with beads of Astrea, blogs KNotes
Material: Wool
irons No. 3.5 - 4 - 4.5
Dimensions (after blocking): length cm. 158 - width 30 cm
Standard: 18 mesh x 20 rows = 10 cm x 10 cm (irons # 4, point diamonds alternating)
Points used:
1. smocking (revised)
working on a number of links multiple of 6 + 1
1 ° row: (wrong side of work) 1 m. dir., * 2 m. rov., 1 m.dir., 2 m. rov., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of the iron
2 nd iron (labor law) 1 m. rov., * 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of iron
3 rd iron as iron on 1, 4 °
iron as the 2nd iron iron
5 °: 1, as the iron
6 ° row: 1 m rov., * put 5 m. pending on an iron before the auxiliary work, wrap the wire clockwise around 5 m. suspended twice, replace the 5 m. iron work on the left and 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of iron
7 th - 9 th - 11 th iron as the 1st iron
8 ° - 10 ° iron as the 2nd iron
12 ° Iron: 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., * put 5 m. pending on an iron before the auxiliary work, wrap the wire clockwise around 5 m. suspended twice, replace the 5 m. iron work on the left and 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until last 3 m., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov.;
Repeat from 1 to 12 iron to the desired length.
2. point diamonds alternating
working on a number of links multiple of 12 +1
1, iron (labor law) 1 m. dir., * 1 jet., 3 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of iron;
2 ° row: 2 m. rov., 9 m. dir., * 3 m. rov., 9 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 2 sts, 2 m.rov.;
3 ° row: 2 m. dir., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir., 1 jet., * 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 2 m., 2 m. dir.;
4 ° row: 3 m. rov., 7 m. dir., * 5 m. rov., 7 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 3 m., 3 m.rov.;
5 ° row: 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir., 1 jet., * 5 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir., 1 jet., rip. by * Until the last 3 m., 3 m. dir.;
6 ° row: 4 m. rov., 5 m. dir., * 7 m. rov., 5 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 4 m., 4 m.rov.;
7 ° row: 4 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., * 7 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 4 m., 4 m. dir.;
8 ° row: 5 m. rov., 3 m. dir., * 9 m. rov., 3 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 5 meters, 5 m.rov.;
9 ° row: 5 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. room, 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., * 9 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. room, 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 5 m., 5 m. dir.;
10 ° row: 6 m. rov., 1 m. dir., *11 m. rov., 1 m.dir., rip. da * sino alle ultime 6 m., 6 m.rov.;
11° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 3 m. dir.,1 gett., 1 m. dir., 1 gett., 3 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
12° ferro: come l'8° ferro;
13° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir.,1 gett., 3 m. dir., 1 gett., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
14° ferro: come il 6° ferro;
15° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir.,1 gett., 5 m. dir., 1 gett., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
16° ferro: come il 4° iron iron
17 °: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., 7 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of the iron 18 °
iron as the 2nd iron
19 ° row: 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., 9 m. dir., * 1 jet., 1 acc. double, 1 jet., 9 m. dir., rip. from * until the last 2 sts, 1 jet., 1 acc. simp.;
20 ° row: 1 m rov., 11 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of the iron.
Repeat from 1 to 20 ° row for desired length.
-acc. simp. (Overlapped simple): Go right to a jersey, knitting and cross right next to the jersey knit went on, using the left needle;
-acc. double (double straddle): pass a law to vest, work the following two links to the right and cross the pass on the jersey mesh obtained with the help of the left needle;
-two m. ins. dir.: two links to work together with law;
project. (Cast) cast iron on the wire right before working a shirt.
Running (half scarf)
The model set consists of two identical halves worked separately and together, at the end, at the center of the scarf .. Alternatively you can work the scarf repeating a single piece at the end of the initial processing.
Half scarf: Start
57 mesh on 2 needles n. 3.5 superimposed using the yarn double;
Delete an iron and the irons n.4.5 start working the scarf to the following diagram.
1. The first and the last 4 shirts, work in garter stitch, are the edges of scarf;
2. To have a finish side chain always suggest to switch to the 1st shirt inside out (no work);
3. On the 49 central links you are working with smocking amended;
4. The beads are placed at the locations shown in the diagram working the stitches after having passed the beads (see technical notes) or, more simply cucendole after work.
After working 19 to iron, start with the irons n.4 alternating diamond processing, to the desired length (note: the 10th to finish with iron).
leaving open the second half of the scarf and work with the same procedure.
Combine the two halves of the scarf with the technique of grafting, or by closing the loops by the method of the 3rd iron (see technical notes).
Alternatively, work the scarf in one piece.
Technical Notes:
Insertion beads in the mesh:
Insert a very fine needle with normal sewing thread (an alternative to the line by fishermen),
pass the needle through the hole of the bead (from right to left), pass the needle through the
mesh on which the bead must be inserted,
again put the bead with the needle but in the opposite direction (from left to right),
slide the wire through the bead twice that formed between the bead and mesh,
pull the wire so that the wool passes through the hole of the bead, the bead
inserted in the mesh, pull the thread sewing and knitting work normally.
closure mesh with the 3rd iron
Put the apertures of the two parties must be united on two separate rows,
keep the two parallel rows so that the two labor rights are against each other,
third place in the iron mesh of the first two rows parallel work together to right,
* work together to right the following links to each of the two parallel rows,
using the iron cross on the left produced the first link on the second obtained
repeat from * until you run out of the meshes of the two irons.
Good job! Astrea
Project: Scarf with beads of Astrea, blogs KNotes
Material: Wool
irons No. 3.5 - 4 - 4.5
Dimensions (after blocking): length cm. 158 - width 30 cm
Standard: 18 mesh x 20 rows = 10 cm x 10 cm (irons # 4, point diamonds alternating)
Points used:
1. smocking (revised)
working on a number of links multiple of 6 + 1
1 ° row: (wrong side of work) 1 m. dir., * 2 m. rov., 1 m.dir., 2 m. rov., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of the iron
2 nd iron (labor law) 1 m. rov., * 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of iron
3 rd iron as iron on 1, 4 °
iron as the 2nd iron iron
5 °: 1, as the iron
6 ° row: 1 m rov., * put 5 m. pending on an iron before the auxiliary work, wrap the wire clockwise around 5 m. suspended twice, replace the 5 m. iron work on the left and 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of iron
7 th - 9 th - 11 th iron as the 1st iron
8 ° - 10 ° iron as the 2nd iron
12 ° Iron: 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., * put 5 m. pending on an iron before the auxiliary work, wrap the wire clockwise around 5 m. suspended twice, replace the 5 m. iron work on the left and 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until last 3 m., 2 m. dir., 1 m. rov.;
Repeat from 1 to 12 iron to the desired length.

working on a number of links multiple of 12 +1
1, iron (labor law) 1 m. dir., * 1 jet., 3 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of iron;
2 ° row: 2 m. rov., 9 m. dir., * 3 m. rov., 9 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 2 sts, 2 m.rov.;
3 ° row: 2 m. dir., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir., 1 jet., * 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 2 m., 2 m. dir.;
4 ° row: 3 m. rov., 7 m. dir., * 5 m. rov., 7 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 3 m., 3 m.rov.;
5 ° row: 3 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir., 1 jet., * 5 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir., 1 jet., rip. by * Until the last 3 m., 3 m. dir.;
6 ° row: 4 m. rov., 5 m. dir., * 7 m. rov., 5 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 4 m., 4 m.rov.;
7 ° row: 4 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., * 7 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 4 m., 4 m. dir.;
8 ° row: 5 m. rov., 3 m. dir., * 9 m. rov., 3 m.dir., rip. from * until the last 5 meters, 5 m.rov.;
9 ° row: 5 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. room, 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., * 9 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. room, 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., rip. from * until the last 5 m., 5 m. dir.;
10 ° row: 6 m. rov., 1 m. dir., *11 m. rov., 1 m.dir., rip. da * sino alle ultime 6 m., 6 m.rov.;
11° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 3 m. dir.,1 gett., 1 m. dir., 1 gett., 3 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
12° ferro: come l'8° ferro;
13° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 2 m. dir.,1 gett., 3 m. dir., 1 gett., 2 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
14° ferro: come il 6° ferro;
15° ferro: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 1 m. dir.,1 gett., 5 m. dir., 1 gett., 1 m. dir., 1 acc. semp., 1 m. dir., rip. da * sino alla fine del ferro;
16° ferro: come il 4° iron iron
17 °: 1 m. dir., * 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., 7 m. dir., 1 jet., 1 acc. simp., 1 m. dir., rip. from * until the end of the iron 18 °
iron as the 2nd iron
19 ° row: 2 m. ins. dir., 1 jet., 9 m. dir., * 1 jet., 1 acc. double, 1 jet., 9 m. dir., rip. from * until the last 2 sts, 1 jet., 1 acc. simp.;
20 ° row: 1 m rov., 11 m. dir., 1 m. rov., rip. from * until the end of the iron.
Repeat from 1 to 20 ° row for desired length.
-acc. simp. (Overlapped simple): Go right to a jersey, knitting and cross right next to the jersey knit went on, using the left needle;
-acc. double (double straddle): pass a law to vest, work the following two links to the right and cross the pass on the jersey mesh obtained with the help of the left needle;
-two m. ins. dir.: two links to work together with law;
project. (Cast) cast iron on the wire right before working a shirt.
Running (half scarf)
The model set consists of two identical halves worked separately and together, at the end, at the center of the scarf .. Alternatively you can work the scarf repeating a single piece at the end of the initial processing.
Half scarf: Start
57 mesh on 2 needles n. 3.5 superimposed using the yarn double;
Delete an iron and the irons n.4.5 start working the scarf to the following diagram.
1. The first and the last 4 shirts, work in garter stitch, are the edges of scarf;
2. To have a finish side chain always suggest to switch to the 1st shirt inside out (no work);
3. On the 49 central links you are working with smocking amended;
4. The beads are placed at the locations shown in the diagram working the stitches after having passed the beads (see technical notes) or, more simply cucendole after work.
After working 19 to iron, start with the irons n.4 alternating diamond processing, to the desired length (note: the 10th to finish with iron).
leaving open the second half of the scarf and work with the same procedure.
Combine the two halves of the scarf with the technique of grafting, or by closing the loops by the method of the 3rd iron (see technical notes).
Alternatively, work the scarf in one piece.
Technical Notes:
Insertion beads in the mesh:
Insert a very fine needle with normal sewing thread (an alternative to the line by fishermen),
pass the needle through the hole of the bead (from right to left), pass the needle through the
mesh on which the bead must be inserted,
again put the bead with the needle but in the opposite direction (from left to right),
slide the wire through the bead twice that formed between the bead and mesh,
pull the wire so that the wool passes through the hole of the bead, the bead
inserted in the mesh, pull the thread sewing and knitting work normally.
closure mesh with the 3rd iron
Put the apertures of the two parties must be united on two separate rows,
keep the two parallel rows so that the two labor rights are against each other,
third place in the iron mesh of the first two rows parallel work together to right,
* work together to right the following links to each of the two parallel rows,
using the iron cross on the left produced the first link on the second obtained
repeat from * until you run out of the meshes of the two irons.
Good job! Astrea
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
Rules Competition
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Rules Competition
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What Are The First Signs Of Pneumonia
custard pancakes again
4 egg yolks 1 / 2 vanilla bean 75 g sugar
Pour into a saucepan the cream and milk, cut the vanilla pod to the middle lengthwise, seeds taken from the interior with the back of the spoon and add the cream and milk, also add the vanilla pod and bring to a boil on low heat, turn off and leave to infuse for 30 minutes in the meantime in a bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar with electric whips or helping the planet, until frothy and white, at this point, after 30 minutes of infusion, add the liquid to the yolks mounted filtering it through a colander, mix gently with a whisk and put in saucepan over very gentle heat to thicken the cream, but doing never brought to a boil, if you have a food thermometer be careful not to exceed 83 degrees, turn off the heat and pour into a bowl.
For immediate use, use the cream for desserts or as a mirror of the tassel on the plate, otherwise if you want to retain the cover with film making it adhere well to the cream itself so that it forms a patina on the surface.
How I used it I? ... Tomorrow!
One last thing: the first of April I will be in Milan and my friend Silvia incntro between is organizing a blogger for Sunday, April 3. Would you like to participate? Send them an email to and tell you all
Bon Appetit! Stefania
It 's a light sauce, perfumed. I made it yesterday for the first time and I was conquered. I followed the recipe GialloZafferano .
75 ml fresh whole milk 250 ml fresh cream
4 egg yolks 1 / 2 vanilla bean 75 g sugar
Pour into a saucepan the cream and milk, cut the vanilla pod to the middle lengthwise, seeds taken from the interior with the back of the spoon and add the cream and milk, also add the vanilla pod and bring to a boil on low heat, turn off and leave to infuse for 30 minutes in the meantime in a bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar with electric whips or helping the planet, until frothy and white, at this point, after 30 minutes of infusion, add the liquid to the yolks mounted filtering it through a colander, mix gently with a whisk and put in saucepan over very gentle heat to thicken the cream, but doing never brought to a boil, if you have a food thermometer be careful not to exceed 83 degrees, turn off the heat and pour into a bowl.
For immediate use, use the cream for desserts or as a mirror of the tassel on the plate, otherwise if you want to retain the cover with film making it adhere well to the cream itself so that it forms a patina on the surface.
How I used it I? ... Tomorrow!
One last thing: the first of April I will be in Milan and my friend Silvia incntro between is organizing a blogger for Sunday, April 3. Would you like to participate? Send them an email to and tell you all
Bon Appetit! Stefania
Sunday, March 6, 2011
1976 Starcraft Pop Up Camper
Shirt Contest all free! Irish Stock Exchange rose by Anna
Project: Irish Stock Exchange rose by Anna, creating blogs Spinning
For this bag I used a decoration, at the same time, versatile and romantic: the rose of Ireland.
I made this my project inspired by a pattern, crochet flowers found in Gina Cristanini Strabello and Wilma.
The scheme in question was modified according to my needs.
NEED: 50g white acrylic wool, some cotton g No 5 lilac, crochet No 3 and 4, tissue di raso e un bottone automatico.
PUNTI IMPIEGATI: catenella (cat.), mezzo punto basso (m.p.b.), punto basso (p.b.), mezzo punto alto (m.p.a.), punto alto (p.a.).
con la lana e il crochet n. 4 eseguite un anello magico.
1° giro: nell’ anello magico eseguite 1 cat. e 6 p. b. chiudete il giro con un m.p.b. nella 1° cat.
2° giro: puntate il crochet sul retro del 1° p.b. (= vivagno) del giro precedente e fate 2 cat. (= 1 m.p.a.) 3 cat. vol. saltate un p.b. sottostante e, puntando il crochet sotto il vivagno del 3° p.b. del giro precedente, eseguite 1 m.p.a.; ripetete per altre 5 volte e chiudete il giro con 1 m.p.b. Risulteranno 6 archetti.
3rd round: in each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 3 pa,, 1 bp; close the MPB will be around with a six petals.
lap 4: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of 2 MPa and then third on lap cat. (= 1 pa) 4 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, mpa under the verge of the second lap and 4 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
5 lap: in each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 5 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a mpb
lap 6: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 4th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 5 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 AR under the verge of pa of lap 4 and 5 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 7: Each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 7 pa, 1 bp; close the round with a lap mpb
8: Point to the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 6th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 6 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the sixth lap and 6 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 9: Each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 9 pa, 1 bp; close the round with a 10 lap mpb
: Point to the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 8th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 7 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the eighth lap and 7 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
11 laps: each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 11 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a mpb
lap 12: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 10th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 8 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the 10 laps and 8 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 13: in each bow work: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 13 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a two mpb
Work identical flowers.
FINISHES: with lilac cotton crochet and No 3, each petal embroidered chain stitch all the laps.
overlaying the two flowers, wrong sides together, and joined together four of the six petals with pb lilac cotton. The two petals left open will be the opening of the bag.
For the strap: whip around 150 chains and work in a pb, one side embroidered chain stitch with the lilac cotton, and finally sewing the ends to the points hidden inner sides of the bag. Finally
lined interior with satin fabric and apply a snap opening.
(I do not give indications of the extent of the cloth, because it depends on grandezza dei fiori ricavati. Infatti la grandezza del fiore può variare, dal momento che ognuna di noi lavora in modo diverso e può scegliere di lavorare con filati e crochet diversi).
Buon lavoro! Anna
Project: Irish Stock Exchange rose by Anna, creating blogs Spinning

For this bag I used a decoration, at the same time, versatile and romantic: the rose of Ireland.
I made this my project inspired by a pattern, crochet flowers found in Gina Cristanini Strabello and Wilma.
The scheme in question was modified according to my needs.
NEED: 50g white acrylic wool, some cotton g No 5 lilac, crochet No 3 and 4, tissue di raso e un bottone automatico.
PUNTI IMPIEGATI: catenella (cat.), mezzo punto basso (m.p.b.), punto basso (p.b.), mezzo punto alto (m.p.a.), punto alto (p.a.).
con la lana e il crochet n. 4 eseguite un anello magico.
1° giro: nell’ anello magico eseguite 1 cat. e 6 p. b. chiudete il giro con un m.p.b. nella 1° cat.
2° giro: puntate il crochet sul retro del 1° p.b. (= vivagno) del giro precedente e fate 2 cat. (= 1 m.p.a.) 3 cat. vol. saltate un p.b. sottostante e, puntando il crochet sotto il vivagno del 3° p.b. del giro precedente, eseguite 1 m.p.a.; ripetete per altre 5 volte e chiudete il giro con 1 m.p.b. Risulteranno 6 archetti.
3rd round: in each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 3 pa,, 1 bp; close the MPB will be around with a six petals.
lap 4: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of 2 MPa and then third on lap cat. (= 1 pa) 4 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, mpa under the verge of the second lap and 4 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
5 lap: in each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 5 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a mpb
lap 6: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 4th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 5 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 AR under the verge of pa of lap 4 and 5 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 7: Each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 7 pa, 1 bp; close the round with a lap mpb
8: Point to the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 6th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 6 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the sixth lap and 6 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 9: Each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 9 pa, 1 bp; close the round with a 10 lap mpb
: Point to the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 8th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 7 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the eighth lap and 7 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
11 laps: each bow worked: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 11 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a mpb
lap 12: Point the hook under the verge of the 1st of the 10th pa and then around 3 cat. (= 1 pa) and 8 cat. vol. then repeat for 5 more times: 1 pa, pa under the verge of the 10 laps and 8 cat.vol.; close the round with a mpb Output 6 bows.
lap 13: in each bow work: 1 pb, 1 MPa, 13 pa,, 1 bp; close the round with a two mpb
Work identical flowers.
FINISHES: with lilac cotton crochet and No 3, each petal embroidered chain stitch all the laps.
overlaying the two flowers, wrong sides together, and joined together four of the six petals with pb lilac cotton. The two petals left open will be the opening of the bag.
For the strap: whip around 150 chains and work in a pb, one side embroidered chain stitch with the lilac cotton, and finally sewing the ends to the points hidden inner sides of the bag. Finally
lined interior with satin fabric and apply a snap opening.
(I do not give indications of the extent of the cloth, because it depends on grandezza dei fiori ricavati. Infatti la grandezza del fiore può variare, dal momento che ognuna di noi lavora in modo diverso e può scegliere di lavorare con filati e crochet diversi).

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Sailboat With Bow Scrollwork
Shirt Contest all free! Lancelot's Neck Shirt Contest Letizia
Progetto: Lancillotto's Neck di Letizia
TAGLIA: donna adulta
OCCORRENTE:100 gr, 175 mt ca di "Oropa, 100% Pure New Wool; circular needles nr. 5 with 40 cm cable.
SAMPLE: 10x10 cm knitted shaven with no shoes. 5 are equal to 18 m. and 24 f.
knit, working with the right to work round all the stitches
b. Fantasy point, working on four irons that are repeated as necessary at intervals of 8 m
jets: a cast
ppl: dim. tilted to the left. (Stepper works)
ass dir 2: dim. tilted to the right (working dir 2. together)
dir: right
rov: reverse
MP: 132 Start brand points
m. and work plan in two stitches (tie), then combine work and go in circles.
TOUR 1: 2 but dir, * 1 jet, say 2 m, 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, say 4 m *, repeat from * to * ending with two m dir.
LAP 2: work all but dir.
TOUR 3: 1m to say, * 1 jet, 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, say 4 m * repeat from * to * ending with 3 m dir.
TOUR 4: work all but dir.
TOUR 5: How the LAP 1 LAP
6: * 2 dir. together 10 straight m *, repeat from * to * until the end of the tour (d. 121)
TOUR 7: Repeat the 3
TOUR TOUR 8: * 2 with dir, dir 9 m *, repeat from * to * up at the end of the tour. (D. 110)
TOUR 9: Repeat the GIRO 1
GIRO 10: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO 11: ripetere il GIRO 3
GIRO 12: *2 dir assieme, 8 m dir*, ripetere da * a *fino alla fine del ferro (m. 99)
GIRO 13: ripetere il GIRO 1
GIRO 14: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO 15: ripetere il GIRO 3
GIRO 16: lav tutte le m a dir.
Proseguire il lavoro a maglia rasata per altri 6 giri.
GIRO SEGUENTE: * 8 m. dir. e 2 ins. dir.*, ripetere da * a * 9 volte terminando il giro con 9 m dir. (m. 90)
Proseguire il lavoro a maglia rasata, alternando i due giri seguenti:
GIRO A: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO B: 22 m a dir, inserire MP e voltare, lav. 44 m a rov, inserire MP e voltare, lav 22 m a dir.
Repeat rounds A and B to the rear (the highest) is about 39 cm from the beginning of work (sub-board.)
reiterate the imagination to the edge support., As follows: ROUND 1
: * 1 m. to say the least., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 yarn over *, repeat from * to * 10 times
ROUND 2: work all but dir.
TOUR 3: * 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, 1m dir *. repeat from * to * 10 times
TOUR 4: work all but dir.
Repeat 1 times the previous 4 rounds (1 to 4).
TOUR 5: * 4 but rov, rov all but 2, 4 but rov * repeat from * to * until the end of the iron
TOUR 6: work all but rov
Chiudere il lavoro lavorando le m a rov.
Progetto: Lancillotto's Neck di Letizia

TAGLIA: donna adulta
OCCORRENTE:100 gr, 175 mt ca di "Oropa, 100% Pure New Wool; circular needles nr. 5 with 40 cm cable.
SAMPLE: 10x10 cm knitted shaven with no shoes. 5 are equal to 18 m. and 24 f.
knit, working with the right to work round all the stitches
b. Fantasy point, working on four irons that are repeated as necessary at intervals of 8 m
jets: a cast
ppl: dim. tilted to the left. (Stepper works)
ass dir 2: dim. tilted to the right (working dir 2. together)
dir: right
rov: reverse
MP: 132 Start brand points
m. and work plan in two stitches (tie), then combine work and go in circles.
TOUR 1: 2 but dir, * 1 jet, say 2 m, 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, say 4 m *, repeat from * to * ending with two m dir.
LAP 2: work all but dir.
TOUR 3: 1m to say, * 1 jet, 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, say 4 m * repeat from * to * ending with 3 m dir.
TOUR 4: work all but dir.
TOUR 5: How the LAP 1 LAP
6: * 2 dir. together 10 straight m *, repeat from * to * until the end of the tour (d. 121)
TOUR 7: Repeat the 3
TOUR TOUR 8: * 2 with dir, dir 9 m *, repeat from * to * up at the end of the tour. (D. 110)
TOUR 9: Repeat the GIRO 1
GIRO 10: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO 11: ripetere il GIRO 3
GIRO 12: *2 dir assieme, 8 m dir*, ripetere da * a *fino alla fine del ferro (m. 99)
GIRO 13: ripetere il GIRO 1
GIRO 14: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO 15: ripetere il GIRO 3
GIRO 16: lav tutte le m a dir.
Proseguire il lavoro a maglia rasata per altri 6 giri.
GIRO SEGUENTE: * 8 m. dir. e 2 ins. dir.*, ripetere da * a * 9 volte terminando il giro con 9 m dir. (m. 90)
Proseguire il lavoro a maglia rasata, alternando i due giri seguenti:
GIRO A: lav tutte le m a dir.
GIRO B: 22 m a dir, inserire MP e voltare, lav. 44 m a rov, inserire MP e voltare, lav 22 m a dir.
Repeat rounds A and B to the rear (the highest) is about 39 cm from the beginning of work (sub-board.)
reiterate the imagination to the edge support., As follows: ROUND 1
: * 1 m. to say the least., 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 yarn over *, repeat from * to * 10 times
ROUND 2: work all but dir.
TOUR 3: * 1 jet., 2 m. dir., 1 ppl, 2 m ass, say 2 m, 1 jet, 1m dir *. repeat from * to * 10 times
TOUR 4: work all but dir.
Repeat 1 times the previous 4 rounds (1 to 4).
TOUR 5: * 4 but rov, rov all but 2, 4 but rov * repeat from * to * until the end of the iron
TOUR 6: work all but rov
Chiudere il lavoro lavorando le m a rov.

Buon lavoro! Letizia
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