Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Solve For N Annuity Equation

I had never eaten Japanese. I wanted it long and long delayed. The idea of \u200b\u200beating raw fish lured me, yet I am always tempted and teased by these flavors are so different from ours. I
involved Rosy (who gladly paid) and, after having carefully chosen the restaurant made for us, we began our tasting. At the end of the evening, the court was unanimous: if we do it better. We found it tasteless and tacky, very different from what we imagined. And then, the raw fish (it has been the suggestion?) we have not liked. So we started to search the main ingredient, nori, and we have done to us. The problem is that when you cook a food from a culture different from ours, we are never really sure that we are cooking it right (try to think of the Americans who made the lasagna with ketcup, yet they called lasagne!). I can not say that I cooked and ate Japanese, but I'm sure you have cooked something like this (at least in form) and tasty (at least for our tastes). We used steamed salmon, surimi, seasoned peppers and zucchini in a pan with oil, salt and pepper. A little Japanese, very "home".

reported what seemed to me the most comprehensive information found on the web for the preparation of rice and shaping of the "balls".

For 6-8 people: 500 grams of rice
70ml rice vinegar

20 grams of sugar a pinch of salt.
10 sheets of nori seaweed

Wash the rice: Place rice in a pot with a bit 'of water and stir the rice with a little rubbing their hands' until the water is cloudy. Then throw away the water "dirty" and remake the same with new clean water. Continue this process for many times, as long as "washing" the rice l'acqua resterà trasparente. Il riso italiano "Roma" va lavato tra le cinque e le dieci volte. In circa dieci minuti dovreste aver completato la lavatura del riso. A questo punto inserite il riso in una pentola piena d'acqua e lasciatelo riposare per 40-50 minuti. Ora se osservate il riso, oltre ad essersi leggermente gonfiato, dovrebbe essere molto bianco. Togliete l'acqua e mettete il riso in una pentola in cui inserirete dell'acqua. L'acqua che dovete inserire sarà il 20% in più del riso. Cioè se cucinate 1kg di riso l'acqua sarà 1200ml, mentre se cucinate mezzo chilo di riso l'acqua sarà circa 600ml. Cuocete a fuoco alto finché tutta l'acqua evapora (indicativamente in circa 10 minuti). E' molto importante tenere un coperchio over the pot and never open the cover. When all the water has evaporated (you can take a quick peek partially removing the cover) increased the flame for about twenty seconds and then turn off the heat. Rice now goes rested with the lid on the pot for at least 20 minutes. While the rice is resting dissolve sugar in vinegar rice. Take the rice and place in a very large bowl. The rice should not contain water and you will feel a bit 'sticky. Put a little 'of the mixture of rice vinegar making particular the first spatula. Gently stir the rice and slowly add a small amount of vinegar mixture and mix using a spatula always cut, so that the rice break and can then absorb the sauce. Waving the rice with the fan or a piece of paper to cool and to facilitate the evaporation of the vinegar. Continue pouring the mixture with the spatula until the rice vinegar is shining and it is at room temperature. Keep the pan covered in which there is the rice with a damp cloth so as not to let the rice dry out. At this point the rice is ready, and you can prepare sushi.

futomaki (large rolls).
A large cylindrical piece, with nori on the outside. It is usually two or three centimeters thick and four or five centimeters. It is often made with two or three fillings, chosen to completarsi a vicenda in gusto e colore. Si stende un foglio di alga nori sul teppetino da sushi, si distribuisce sopra il riso, avendo cura di toccarlo solo dopo aver bagnato le mani, e lo si appiattisce. Si farcisce con il condimento scelto e si arrotola, aiutandosi con il tappetino. A questo punto si taglia con un coltello affilato.

Temaki (rotoli a mano).
Una polpetta a forma di cono, con il nori all'esterno e gli ingredienti che sporgono dall'estremità larga. Tradizionalmente lungo dieci centimetri, va mangiato tenendolo con le dita, perché sarebbe troppo difficile da sollevare con i bastoncini. We cut the sheet of nori in 4 and distributed rice and seasoning. Cone-shaped coils and gaming in a way that leaves the dressing cone.

Uramaki .
A large cylindrical medium with two or more fillings. Uramaki differs from other maki because the rice is on the outside and the nori inside. The filling is in the center surrounded by a sheet of nori, then a layer of rice, and an outer coating of some other ingredient such as roe or toasted sesame seeds. The procedure is the same futomaki, only when it is rolled on the contrary, so that the alga inside. Once formed the cylinder is immersed in the sesame seeds and cut

Sunflower8 the collection of "A collection Well "

Buon Appetito! Stefania
and Rosy


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